Detox? Is 48-hour fasting good for you?



  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    No, your body doesn't need a detox, drink lots of water to flush out sodium and other "toxins" that might be in you, and while doing that, start a healthy diet.
    If you're yelling at treadmills and hating the gym and slaving and stuff then you're not going to be successful long term, it's not sustainable, just like fasting (for any period of time). Before you do this, you really have to want to change, not just slave through hating it. You have to find healthy food you like and want to eat, you have to gain willpower to say no to lots of other things, and you have to find a form of exercise that you enjoy. I like the eliptical, there is a lot of **** on elipticals here, but for me, it works because I know I will do it often enough to burn calories, whereas if I was running because it burns more calories, I would fall off the wagon because I hate running. Try different machines at the gym, sign up for classes: pilates, yoga, spin, water aerobics, dance, join a gym with a pool and swim, find something that works for you and you will lose the weight. Slave away and starve your body, you will fail.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    no revving necessary.

    eat right
    work hard
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I basically fast all day and eat 1 meal a day. This has worked for me for 100lbs. I would suggest doing your own things to figure out what will work for you. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do. I was told I was going to fail at every turn, but this works for me for a variety of reasons that people don't really understand because they have been programmed to believe something. Stepping out of the box and trying something different isn't a bad thing. Do what you think is right for you.

    sorry bro, but don't do this, I mean you can try, and of course it will work, but it's not very sustainable for the majority of people, and even if you switch over to eating regularly timed meals you will probably gain some weight first. If this is really the only thing that works, then do it, but don't go to this kind of a method to start off. this probably worked for him because he was clearly very overweight and any shift in calories or activity would lead him to lose weight. You should start to eat small, frequent, healthy meals and snacks and drink water and see where that gets you before trying any other diets. The facts are, this type of a diet works for most people, and of course WW, nutrisystem, starvation diets, "detoxes", etc. etc. work for some people, but don't work for more people, so try the most proven methods first and then work your way down if the first doesn't work.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    Weeghh please explain, when asking for advice cryptic answers don't do heaps for me.
    I just want to kickstart this weight-loss correctly.

    You are not a motorcycle, you don't need a kickstart

    You need to eat in a calorie deficit consistently over a period of time


    Also, have you ever fasted? I tried it once for non-health reasons related to spirituality. I would not recommend it to anyone. Your body needs fuel. Fasting means a lowered ability to concentrate, impaired decision making skills, and feeling like you have a hangover and a sinus infection at the same time. Unless you don't mind being miserable and have 48 hours in which you aren't going anywhere or doing anything important, I wouldn't recommend it.

    If you need to make a grand gesture of some kind to get yourself motivated to transition, there are healthier ways to get into the right headspace to make a change. Why not spend a day doing something physically challenging but fun instead, or cooking a bunch of low calorie foods to freeze so you always have something to eat and trying a bunch of new recipes?
  • cnichols37
    You are not at all dumb and everyone wants an easy fix to feel better... The only dummies are the people that don't fess up to that want! I understand how you feel about wanting to fast and the reason you are probably doing this is to see SOMETHING and fast b/c that 'something fast' tends to motivate and help you perk up during this hard lifestyle change. The only problem is that during this harsh, death seeking process you are actually hurting your body by slowing down your metabolism and this is worse than eating 5 to 6 small meals a day and by that I mean keeping each meal snack like with very little portions.... For example, I have been eating very healthy food and TRUST me I feel like I'm fasting right now but only b/c I was overeating before... I am actually boosting my metabolism and working on getting my body used to less sugar and yes less calories too... You don't need 2,000 cals a day, you really don't... Work out as hard as you want but remember that eating is 90% of where you will see the results of losing weight.... Working out just puts all that weight loss in the right places... I hope this makes sense and I agree the one liner sentences can be rather crippling and hard to understand...Hope this helps you and remember that meeting your overall weight loss goals will feel much better than what you are about to stick in your mouth.... Speaking from experience!

    From the girl that wants what you want, RESULTS! :)
  • schickcody
    schickcody Posts: 1 Member
    I think 75% of people that posted on here didn't understand the question. She asked if fasting is good for you, not if it's a quick way to loose a bunch of weight. You will loose weight from a fast, it won't be any substantial fat loss, mostly just water and whatever food hasn't been digested.

    It sounds like you're looking to get rid of toxins in your body and maybe by doing a fast it'll help you commit and stick to your weight loss goals.

    A 24 hour fast is probably plenty, especially if you have never gone a long period of time without eating. To go 24 hours without eating is in no way harmful for your body. It should remove some toxins from your body but nothing substantial, still better than none though. You will also get a feeling for what really being hungry is.

    Fasting for a day or 2 is not a "FAD" that doesn't work, it does good for your body just nothing "magical" like loosing 10lbs or getting rid of every single toxin ever.

    Easiest way to do it is eat your last meal at lunch one day and start your fast then. Then don't eat until lunch the next day. Not that hard at all!
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    Basically I've fallen off the wagon for the past 2-3 months and want to really get back into my fitness and losing weight. I want to detox my body first and start a "fresh page" so to speak before start eating healthy again (with obvious gyming / slaving / wanting to die / yelling at treadmills) because damn have I been eating some unhealthy junk over the past few weeks and I'm sure I'm full of nasty bloaty toxins.

    I read up about the likes of 48 hour water fasts and they sound effective enough. The main thing is I can't really go for juice detoxes as I a) don't have a juicer and b) can't afford buying 10 different kinds of blueberries at this moment in time (but will definitely consider it later). I need something I can do now that wont make me massively ill or have adverse effects.

    Just wondering if you'd recommend the 48-hour water fast as a way for detox ooor if you all had any other kinda cheapish detox ideas that'll be better for my body. Just weighing up pros and cons at the moment because I'm once again miserable with how I look!
    Unless you have a dysfunctional liver, you are already detoxed. Stop delaying the change and just do it :)