Fiber Flush

LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I caught a mini documentary last night on PBS about fiber. It was a healthy eating kinda show that talked about the importance of eating fiber in terms of health, but it really highlighted it in terms of weight loss. A lot of the information was news to me, so I wanted to share.

Supposedly..... I say this because you never know.....

Research has shown that those who consume a diet high in fiber tend to excrete more calories in their stool. Technically, this is called fecal energy excretion and refers to the process by which fiber helps to block the absorption of calories consumed and lead calories out of the body.

They stated that if you consumed 35 grams of fiber a day, you would eliminate 245 calories of what you ate that day as waste. Is this bologna or the real deal?

I know that I don't eat enough fiber and I'm going to try to start eating more.

Has anyone seen a significant change in their weight loss after dramatically increasing fiber intake? Anyone have any suggestions on any good high fiber foods or supplements?


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    hey. I read stuff about fibre once too. All i know is that if you eat a lot you have to drink a lot of water to flush it through your system otherwise things get "stuck" if you know what i mean. I have never implimented a high fibre diet but when i have had days with lots and days with out i notice.
    Wholewheats bread pasta and brown rice and all sorts of "un" processed carbs are full of fibre, natures natural roughage. Also veg and certain fruits are full of it too. Try and imagine a poster advertising healthy foods because most of them are higher in fibre than their unhealthy counterparts lol. I definitely believe that there is a lot linked between healthy insides and fibre too. Somewhere I read that fibre flushes the colon of other toxins and bacteria that can leave you feeling down. Its all good in my opinion. eat lots of it and drink lots of water and watch your belly go flat flat flat!
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I don't know about the fiber flush, but I do notice that I am more successful with my weight loss when I eat more fiber. I swear by fiber one cereal. The portion sizes are the same as other cereals, but I feel absolutely stuffed when I eat a bowl of cereal. It's so hard to finish it some days because it feels like so much food. The amount of fiber depends on the flavor of the cereal you buy, but I like the caramel delight. Smells way to sweet in the bowl, but doesn't taste as sweet as it smells, thank goodness. Keeps me full until lunch and the benefits of fiber go far beyond that. Prevents colon cancers and lots of other benefits of fiber as well. I don't know about fiber making calories in the potty, but I'm no expert. Another high fiber snack is the south beach diet fiber fit bars. The smores ones are good, for all you chocoholics! Good snack to make you feel full as well. Lots of fiber to keep you regular! Hope this helps somewhat.
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