New & Have No Idea What I'm Doing

I used to be really thin when I was younger. I started gaining weight in high school and hit 200 lbs for the 1st time in my life last year. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing what I did to myself. March 2012 I started going to the gym sparingly. I would skip a lot and still eat unhealthy so I didn't lose anything. I got up to 207 in December but have been going to the gym 5 days a week, cut out soda & fast food completely, also dark beers and will only drink beer once a month now if that and am down to 200. I don't know if it's water weight or what though... I do a mix of cardio those 5 days elliptical, treadmill, bike etc... and burn around 750 calories doing that. I have recently started adding weights also. I always hear you have to burn more than you take in... create a deficit. If I'm burning lets say 700-900 calories 5 days a week but take in like 1400 a day how will I lose weight? Probably a dumb question but I'm new to this & losing weight is a whole lot harder than putting it on. Feel free to add me and message me with advice.


  • PurplePandia
    PurplePandia Posts: 2 Member
    Your body naturally consumes and burns calories throughout the day--not while just working out. What the exact amount is that you burn is different for everyone and depends on what activities you do throughout the day.