Bilingual friends???

I've been here for exactly a week now and I really love this site. I have been recommending this site to friends, but the thing is that I also have friends that do not speak English, only Spanish. I would love to add Spanish speaking friends too so that we can help my friends together. Like many of us, they have been struggling with their weight for a long time. Please add me so that together we can help them. THANKS!!!!

(or if anyone knows of a similar site, but in Spanish I would greatly appreciate it)


  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Welcome chica :) I am Cuban from Florida so ya tu sabe lol. I have been using it for the last few months as well and have lost 46 pounds it def makes you more aware of everything you put in your mouth. Trust me I use to weigh 350lbs and I weigh 166lbs still pushing. The support and motivation from friends you receive on here keeps you going. Feel free to add me :)

  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Sorry only French and German! But good luck!
  • DreamOfSunshine
    DreamOfSunshine Posts: 911 Member
    I have been living in Spain for 1,5 years now and speaking Spanish for 12 :) Feel free to add me :)
  • beckarini
    beckarini Posts: 78 Member
    I speak fluent spanish so feel free :)
  • emzilee
    emzilee Posts: 96 Member
    I lived in Chile for 2 years and have been speaking Spanish for 8 - feel free to agregarme ;)
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    hola - hablo castellano - estudié desde hace 10 anyos y vivia en Madrid un rato pero ahora no tengo la oportunidad a practicar. nosotros nos ayudamos!
  • avlama
    avlama Posts: 502 Member
    Here to help.....agrégame si gustas :-)
  • ejosbourn
    ejosbourn Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me too!