When i excersice .. the calories add back onto my list.

juelsJUSTICE Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
When i do my daily excercise's... the calories i lost go back onto the "___ calories left to eat" list .. how is that going to help me loose weight, because say if i have to have 1660 a day, and i had like .. 1000 .. and then i went to the gym and burnt 300 calories, it'll tell me i need to eat 960 more .. does that make sense? So basicly .. if ive burnt all the calories, and i need to eat more than my daily amount of calories, i don't think its going to help me loose weight, help!


  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    MFP has already calculated your calorie deficit for you. Look at the "sticky" posts under Nutrition and General Weight loss. Those should explain it for you.
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    I asked the same question............one way a person explained it to me was this........think of when you drive a car and the faster you go the more gas you use and the quicker you have to refuel......so if your daily calorie intake is suppose to be 1200, and you burn, lets say 500 calories with exercise........if you didn't replace that you would actually only be taking in 700 calories for the day.........By adding back in your workout calories it keeps your body from going into starvation mode.......believe me, it does work, i've been doing it their way since January and i've lost.....Good Luck and I hope this helps.
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