


  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Don't give up coffee and tea. They are both great.
    I suggest Blistex intensive moisturiser lip stuff from Boots for the lips - it is the best lip balm I've ever used.
    For the mouth I suggest nothing as I'm not an expert.
    I also suggest toileting whenever you need to - you don't want to train your body to not go... that's really wrong.

    Never said give up tea and coffee, just be aware of the effect they have. Same as anything if you like them, have them but in moderation, but regarding the sleeping/feeling awake without coffee its a case of needing to kick the addiction and then carry on afterwards with more controlled intake so not addicted again.

    I don't think I'm addicted, I mean there's barely any caffeine in tea (right?) and that's what I have most of. I have 1 or 2 very small coffees at most every day.

    Or maybe I am an addict and I'm just in denial

    At least it's better than my other addiction.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member

    Whilst woolly's water intake is high, it is nowhere near high enough to risk water intoxication.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member

    Whilst woolly's water intake is high, it is nowhere near high enough to risk water intoxication.

    Yeah thanks.. I don't think water intoxication is one of my worries right now ....... I sweat and wee so much as it is
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    My lips don't get dry but my throat will somedays. I just recently got into the habit of drinking 2-3 liters a day. I figured it was because now that I am used to more water now, if I get a little behind it's my body's way of asking for more. I did pee a lot to start but my bladder eventually adjusted to it.
  • nachodman
    nachodman Posts: 29 Member
    A few things come to mind. Do you lick your lips more than the average person? With words like loo and wee, I am going to assume you are in Europe? What is the weather like? Cold temperatures tend to have drier air, when combined with licking your lips, the enzymes in saliva (for digestion, like amylase) are designed to breakdown starches in your diet, so the thin waxy layer that protects your skin is no match. You can try applying a lip balm with soothing lanolin to protect your lips. Whilst drinking too much water is also bad, reading that you are frequenting the loo demonstrates that is not a problem, provided your wee is clear of course.
    Try the lip balm and avoiding licking your lips as much as you can. I hope this helps...
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    Can lack of sleep cause dehydration?


    "Yes it certainly can, this is a result of your brain using a lot more energy to maintain its energetic flow and needing to use the water reserve to cool down from overheating / overworking which causes sweating and inner dehydration. Another cause of dehydration can be a lack of water consumption in general or REM sleep (which is rapid eye movement) this is when the body falls into its semi sleeping state but still persists to lose energy while dreaming, this in turn causes sleepiness during awakening and dehydration of the mouth. So lack of sleep and the wrong sleep can cause dehydration, its always best to drink as much water as possible so your brain can keep up with its water consumptive ways."
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Alot of valid points made so far...I think in winter and in our cooler climes our lips dry out, cental heating will do that.

    As for frequent loo going, I was one for doing that until last year I was at a meeting where a doctor was speaking on womens issues, she said we shouldn't be weeing more than 8 times per day! Thats not alot either, she said we can retrain ourselves, that we had to in order to have strong pelvic floor muscles and bladders as we got older, ie stop us from ending up incontinent....I started from then holding off that little but longer and now have successfully retrained my bladder! I could have easily have wee'd every hour previously, and once during sleeping hours but now I can go 3 to 4 hrs between wees and all night without! I know this is too much info but our bodies will work better in later life if we exercise control :-D

    Hope this encourages you ladies ti do likewise :)
