can someone please explain?

Hi, this maybe a dumb question but can someone please explain why my average heart rate is getting higher for a 35 min workout, started around 150 now up to 166, is it safe? how high is too high. I do inetervals on a spinner.
Thanks, Mel


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Most likely a couple of reasons: 1) you have built up the leg strength and endurance to maintain a higher intensity for a longer period of time; 2) your body has developed a better ability to shunt blood to your working muscles and perhaps even has increased the capillary density.

    Result: you can work harder, do more aerobic work, and burn more calories. This is mostly a good thing.

    For simpler, whole body activities, an untrained person's heart rate can shoot up at first because of the metabolic demands of the workload. For an activity that is more specialized and specific (e.g. cycling) the lack of muscle strength/endurance, pedaling inefficiency, and the more specialized physiologic demands of the activity are the limiting factors--they prevent you from pushing the intensity high enough to really work your heart that hard.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Is your intensity going up?

    My heart rate is between 151-166 durring my ineterval running when Im doing high intesity but around 130 when I'm doing my rest periods.

    Are your feeling bad while your doing it or after? If you are slow down. If that dont help you prob need to consult a MD.

    Good luck
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    The basic rule of thumb is that the highest you should go is 220 minus your age. 60-80% of that number is a good aerobic target range.
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    thanks, I feel pretty good when I'm exercising so I think, like you said my legs are probably getting better. I thought I was pretty fit before but a month of intervals has made a huge difference.