Deep Sqauts: Personal Trainer vs Physical Therapist



  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I am having real issues with my knees, and my physio has tried now since 2009 to find ways to help my hyper-mobile kneecaps from going on their own little voyages of discovery.

    I have had a couple of flare-ups which my physio believes are the bones grinding where the cartilage has gone, and she has defined a series of ongoing stretches, and imposed certain limits (latest - no running until Feb and then only a minute A MONTH...!).
    I've had weeks off, very limited stuff (cycle, swim).
    Now gradually adding walking on a treadmill, elliptical, rower ...

    My Physio told me the same - no going past parallel - I've discussed this with my Doc (who sent me for an X-ray at the start of the year) and my Personal Trainer.
    Doc has tentatively allowed me to ramp up, and the PT took me back through using TRX Straps to take my bodyweight through my arms so I can isolate and focus on form while doing squats and lunges.

    My advice is to take the Physio's advice over the PT for the time being... it's not forever... but if it is hurting that much, you really do run the risk of a lot of pain.

    If the pain is quite hard to bear, look at maybe doing so low-impact stuff so you are still burning cals, but not knackering your knees...
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Okay let me clarify that I have been a stay at home mom for 7 years so I have been out of the loop. However I worked in athletic training and physical therapy for years. Deep squats were always contraindicated with any patellafemoral issues. We always did a shallow wall squat with a ball between your knees to focus on the VMO (The quad muscle that is very important in tracking the patella). Like another said, leg extensions are nasty for it too. I would listen to your Physical therapist and adjust how you are doing the squat.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    The medically-qualified person is asking you not to give up squats, but only to change how you're doing them. This person has significant experience and specialist training in how your knees function. Listen to them. Your trainer's knowledge in this area is almost certainly less that that of a medical specialist, and probably focused on those with healthy normal joint function, for whom deep squats may or may not be contraindicated. For someone with impaired joint function, any action that puts extreme pressure or stress on the afflicted joint is going to be problematic - it's common sense. There's really no question here - listen to the medic. Otherwise, I'd suggest you start saving up for knee replacement surgery.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Actually the proper way to squat is lower, it strengthens the knees. watch a baby pay with toys, they squat down, chest up back flat, feet flat butt almost on the floor. ATG squat is a natural position for the body to be in.

    Yes in a 'healthy' individual. But the OP is not 'healthy' She is having knee issues and is paying a medical doctor to treat her. So ATF is not the best idea.

    Healthy is quotation marks because I'm not meaning to criticism the OP regarding her general health.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    My trainer says there is nothing wrong with it, that there is no actual medical evidence to support that doing a deep squat injures your knees.

    "In conclusion, there is scant evidence to show that deep squats are contraindicated in those with healthy knee function. The decision as to how low to squat should therefore be based on an individual's performance-oriented goals and considered in conjunction with any pathological issues that may be apparent. Those with PCL disorders should refrain from squatting below 50 to 60 degrees until the injury is fully healed. Disorders such as chondromalacia, osteoarthritis, and osteochondritis may also contraindicate the performance of deep squats." from

    This is your situation. You do not currently have healthy knee function. So stop the deep squats and listen to the physiotherapist. You need to first correct the knee function. That is what your therapist is working toward. Then you can work on building the strength/endurance that bootcamp gives.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    My therapist is not telling me to stop squatting, she is just saying do not go past parallel and make sure to stick the butt out and not let my knees go past my toes. Just to clear that up... she does not want me to stop what I'm doing, just change HOW I'm doing it.

    My knees do not hurt every day, but when they do, they make themselves heard.

    Linli_Anne: Yes that is my problem as well and I also have exercises I am doing at home like, leg lifts, calf stretches and IT band foam rolling.
    Always good advice. Seriously. Not being silly*. It's important for back AND knees.

    *maybe a little bit
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    If you knees are hurting (more than ever) then stop squatting and any other strenuous, knee centric movement until you get that situation resolved

    This but to answer your other question squatting deep is good for people with healthy knees and in itself does not cause knee problems. Overly shallow squatting does cause knee problems eventually.
  • geogal95
    geogal95 Posts: 47 Member
    Ok another clarification is necessary: MY COACH IS "NOT" TELLING ME TO DEEP SQUAT RIGHT NOW. He knows my situation and if I want to keep it at parallel he is absolutely fine with that. He will make sure my form is exactly what the PT asks me to do.

    My point was that he disagrees with her on the matter of "does it cause injury", that's all.

    This is not a competition weightlifting... it is just a fitness class to help me get in shape, that's all. He is looking out for my best interests and not for a "win", and I trust him 100%.

    I just wonder if the PT says this to everyone, healthy or not. Maybe for me, it is hereditary (my son and sisters all have knee issues - 2 out of 3 have had surgery for them). Maybe for me, squatting didn't CAUSE the problem, it just didn't HELP it.

    This is the article he referenced. It's lengthy but interesting reading:

    But yes - my plan is to do what the PT says which is parallel squats, leg lifts, etc... for the next 6 weeks and then I will be re-evaluated. I am following her plan to a "T".
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I damaged the cartilage in my knee a couple of years ago in a skiing accident. My personal trainer would always defer to my physical therapist on what I should/shouldn't could/couldn't do. Ask your PT for exercises to strengthen the muscles around your knees that will provide move stability and potentially you could get back to deep squats again.

    My knees still act wonky occasionally, but I chalk that up to an active lifestyle and a bit of aging (I'll be 43 on Monday). I usually do squats now using the TRX, and I have no problems--then again, I don't usually do ATG squats...
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Haven't read all the threads so if this has been mentioned already, I apologize.

    When you partial squat, your quads are dominant and pull on the patella (knee). Bad for the knees.

    When you ATG or squat below parallel (the CORRECT way to squat), your hamstrings are now more involved and they pull on the patella as well, so now you have an even pull on the patella from both the quads and the hams. This is safe for the knees.

    I'm not posting this to say your Personal Trainer knows more than your physical therapist. There's just so much misinformation on this forum that I don't want people thinking deep squats are bad for the knees, when in reality it's the partial squats that are.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I agree w/those that said to give your knees a break if you're in pain, and try to resolve any injuries, etc. first.

    That said, I have also had knee pain periodically, and learned NOT to do deep knee squats in all my previous training (the whole "Don't go past parallel" thing). I would still have periodic pain, depending on what we were doing, how often, and how much weight we used.

    However, I've recently started working with a great CrossFit gym with good trainers who work with us slowly and methodically on form. We do deep squats a lot, BUT, our form is completely different than what I learned in other fitness classes (and even in Group Fitness Instructor training).

    When we do deep squats, the toes and knees are pointed slightly OUT to let your hips open up more and your back and chest stay more elevated. You are following your mid-line down to the ground instead of leaning over to accommodate keeping your knees straight on. Because of the levers and angle of your legs, it is actually GENTLER on your knees -- and puts less pressure on them, and relies on your leg muscles -- than the legs parallel squat.

    I have not had knee issues doing these deep squats, even with heavy weights. BUT, our trainers also do NOT have us do any squat moves if we are having knee pain. We do other workout movements and lots of therapeutic stuff (rolling things out, working on IT bands, stretching) until the pain resolves.

    Hope this helps.
  • geogal95
    geogal95 Posts: 47 Member

    This is your situation. You do not currently have healthy knee function. So stop the deep squats and listen to the physiotherapist. You need to first correct the knee function. That is what your therapist is working toward. Then you can work on building the strength/endurance that bootcamp gives.

    ^^^^ This is my plan. I don't think it caused the problem, but my first goal is to fix the problem, then maybe I can get back to the original routine later. I do not have a cartilage issue -just a "floating" kneecap. Once the proper muscles are strengthened, all should be good.
  • geogal95
    geogal95 Posts: 47 Member
    However, I've recently started working with a great CrossFit gym with good trainers who work with us slowly and methodically on form. We do deep squats a lot, BUT, our form is completely different than what I learned in other fitness classes (and even in Group Fitness Instructor training).

    When we do deep squats, the toes and knees are pointed slightly OUT to let your hips open up more and your back and chest stay more elevated. You are following your mid-line down to the ground instead of leaning over to accommodate keeping your knees straight on. Because of the levers and angle of your legs, it is actually GENTLER on your knees -- and puts less pressure on them, and relies on your leg muscles -- than the legs parallel squat.

    I have not had knee issues doing these deep squats, even with heavy weights. BUT, our trainers also do NOT have us do any squat moves if we are having knee pain. We do other workout movements and lots of therapeutic stuff (rolling things out, working on IT bands, stretching) until the pain resolves.

    Hope this helps.

    Sounds just like my trainer!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    This is even a question?

    Listen to the medical doctor.

    Therapists are not medical doctors. However, consulting one for a third opinion is a good idea. Orthopeadic surgeon would be your best bet.
  • geogal95
    geogal95 Posts: 47 Member
    This is even a question?

    Listen to the medical doctor.

    Therapists are not medical doctors. However, consulting one for a third opinion is a good idea. Orthopeadic surgeon would be your best bet.

    This is what my primary care physician says... try therapy first and then if needed, we can refer you to an orthopedist. So that is what I am doing.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    There will never be a consensus of opinion on this board, on any topic, so asking for advice will likely generate every possible response. I suspect that from those you will choose to follow the one you were leaning toward in the first place. Having said that, I find it troubling that people would give you advice which contradicts what you've been told by a medical professional WHO HAS ACTUALLY EXAMINED YOU.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    Actually the proper way to squat is lower, it strengthens the knees. watch a baby pay with toys, they squat down, chest up back flat, feet flat butt almost on the floor. ATG squat is a natural position for the body to be in.

    I'm not going to disagree with your general premise. You're correct that most trainers recommend deep squats and for good reasons (assuming healthy knee function, etc). But really? Babies do it so it must be "natural" and "correct"? Babies learn almost everything by watching us. They can't even stand till they learn the trick of it, and most of the motions that they attempt while standing result in them falling down. The reasons babies squat the way they do is that they learn it's the most stable way to squat, and they lack the balance and coordination to do anything but the safest and stablest movements without winding up on their butts. It so happens that stability is also very important to weighted squats, so the same motion is also correct for adults doing the exercise version.

    If "the way babies do it is the correct and natural way to do it" was a valid argument, the correct way to run would involve hardly bending your knees at all, and winding up on your butt every ten yards.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Haven't read all the threads so if this has been mentioned already, I apologize.

    When you partial squat, your quads are dominant and pull on the patella (knee). Bad for the knees.

    When you ATG or squat below parallel (the CORRECT way to squat), your hamstrings are now more involved and they pull on the patella as well, so now you have an even pull on the patella from both the quads and the hams. This is safe for the knees.

    I'm not posting this to say your Personal Trainer knows more than your physical therapist. There's just so much misinformation on this forum that I don't want people thinking deep squats are bad for the knees, when in reality it's the partial squats that are.

    And one of the most respected trainers in the country, Dan Riley (Google "Dan Riley strength coach"), advises against doing squats of any kind due to the risks associated with repeated vertical loading of the spine. He advises leg presses as an alternative.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Sounds like you have a good course of action - follow the advice your PT (and by extension, your coach) wants you to follow right now, see if your knees can't improve a little, and reassess.

    In the future, things like this are always a risk-reward analysis. There's always, always, always another (or a series of other) movement(s) or exercise(s) that will work your body in a similar enough manner to the one in question. That's the beauty of the human body, we're so frigging adaptable and capable. So maybe squats past parallel won't hurt your knees, but maybe there's another movement that your coach can come up with that will do something similar, and your PT can agree on.

    My example: I have a crappy SI joint. Lunges will leave me unable to walk the next day if I've been lazy and let things go (sadly, not rare). My coach doesn't like that I won't do lunges, but came up with a couple different moves to do instead - surprise, they're the ones I skip usually because I don't like them, because they're really hard and exhausting. But they won't leave me unable to walk, and when I do them regularly and get stronger, I can lunge again.

    Another note - I didn't read your knee issue too carefully, but PT isn't the only option before surgery to fix joint issues. I was all set to have my spine fused before I got prolotherapy (google it) on my back - it worked amazingly well. (then again, my husband had a similar issue to me 5 years later and it didn't do anything for him - accupuncture and massage did work for him but not me). Just saying to keep your mind and options open, there are lots of possibilities and specialists and insurers might confuse "outside their purview" with "outside possibility".

    Good luck!
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    This is even a question?

    Listen to the medical doctor.

    My doctor calls OHP stupid...