Dinner Meltdown...

Last night, I had a dinner meltdown. Our dinner plans changed at the last minute. My family and I ended up at my favorite Italian Restaurant. It took so long to get there and I was beyond starving. So, I took the easy way out when the waitress was standing there staring at me. I fell right off the wagon and into my favorite restaurant's FETTUCCINE ALFREDO!!! I didn't eat the entire plate but I did eat a fair bit of the incredible large plate. Afterward, I felt so guilty. Ugh! Does anyone have any ideas how to bounce back gracefully from a dinner meltdown? Advise appreciated!! :flowerforyou:


  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    just stay on track today, nothing you can do about yesterday unless you happen to have a time machine...maybe try to get some extra exercise?? and don't sweat it, life happens!!
  • I always find it helpful if I just forget about it. Log it and keep going. It may be a small hitch it your daily goals, but its not gonna make a big difference in your long term goals. JUST KEEP GOING and don't let it side track you into other bad food decisions.

    If you wanna create that extra deficit, go work out for a little bit.

    But overall, don't let it create a huge hitch in your plan.

    Good luck getting back on track! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • alimarie53
    alimarie53 Posts: 102 Member
    I have dinner melt down...ALLLLLLL THEEEE TIMMEEE!! I think it's my hardest meal to control.

    I drink lots of water to try and clean out all the sodium. If I have time in the evening I'll go walk my dogs so I'm at least moving around... After that, I just try and forget about it. If I dwell I'm going to be unhappy and keep beating myself up over it.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Calories in vs calories out; A million calories in means you have to burn a million calories at the gym
  • just get back on track dont beat yourself up about it. use it as leverage to maybe push harder during work outs. everyone will have a day where they dont eat on a good scale but if you dont do it ever this one time will not kill you and just keep your food on a better scale the rest of the week etc. I allow myself a "bad" treat once a day or if it is huge on calories once a week. This is a lifestyle change you will learn to eat better when out slowly even at your favorite restaurant. ^_^ have great week
  • Thanks for all the support!! Today has been much easier to make the "right" decision than it was yesterday. Isn't that the way it always works! lol