Just joined MFP, excited but nervous

Hey everyone, my name is Sarah and I am 24 years old. I just decided to join MFP this morning after trying a new fad diet that didn't go so well. Back in 2009 I used weight watchers and it worked! I lost about 20 pounds in about 4 months. However, that quickly ended when I became pregnant with my son and ended up gaining all the weight back plus more. I am now at the heaviest weight I have ever been before and it is not a good feeling. I tried this other new diet 6 weeks ago thinking that it would be a quick fix, and it was miserable. I followed it step by step and guess how much weight I lost in the end? +1! I knew I had to do something else. Something that will not be a quick fix, but a long term lifestyle. My friend suggested trying MFP, as she has used it successfully on her own weight loss journey. So I'm here. And I'm ready. But I'm nervous, because I want this but I know it will take work. I can't wait to begin this new journey!


  • jrhodo
    jrhodo Posts: 43 Member
    You will do great! How old is you son? Are you nursing him?
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    Welcome to MFP Sarah, good luck with your journey.
    Theres lots of support and great ideas on the forum so make sure you log in from time to time.
    Feel free to add me if you need some MFP pals. :wink: