Fruit & Veggie 1-Day Challenge – Saturday Jan 12, 2013



  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Did the challenge yesterday - made so much fruit salad that I had it for breakfast and lunch. The stir fry got moved to dinner and I have enough to have tonight warmed up with a chicken breast on top.

    Thanks Renny, I really like this challenge and I feel really good from all the F&V

    this motivated me...put together a quick selection of fruit. Thanks Lila!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi I am so glad to find this community!
    I am planning on shedding a few Kgs around my belly and such ;-) I am overall 'slimmish' lol but belly does not match body lol.

    Lately it is as though my body is telling me to 'eat light' by that it seems things like soup/veggies and fruits. And i must admit, this is sounding appealing. Has anyone lost belly fatty with this kind of approach to food?

    I will give it a try and will post here -- just wondering if you have cool recipes for veggies only meals. I am quite good at doing veggies as side dish -- but I would like to try new things so I do not get bored eating veggies as main meals. I love steamed veggies but wndering if I can sustain long term steamed veggies without getting bored. thank you and hugs to all.

    Hi Wellbeinginve - for me the big change is in my belly. I have eliminated starches and bread - mostly. I've gone down 4 inches in my waist, since Dec 1st and 11 pounds. My belly is my biggest challenge too, especially since I hit 55!

    good luck on your journey.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hey there Rebel and friends,
    was unable to do challenge on the weekend, so planned it for today...and it was a great feeling! I am not sure if my egg white omlette belongs in this day, but....the rest of it was fine. Thanks for the suggestion.