Moms who breastfeed/breastfed



  • MartiTennisMom
    Congrats! I was sick as hell through both of my pregnancies, so ended up weighing about the same after giving birth than I did before I got pregnant. Nursed each for about a year, and during that year I was ravenously hungry all the time, and gained weight like crazy. Not sure if it was the breastfeeding or the relief after being sick for so long, but I wasn't able to start losing until after I weaned them. Sorry, probably not the answer you wanted.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I had my third daughter 10-25! I am breastfeeding too and can not lose any weight!! With my other two I lost a lot of weight breastfeeding but not this time. I am watching this thread to hopefully get advice!
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Just to answer a few questions, I am breastfeeding him exclusively and he is about 9 weeks old. I am so glad I asked this, bc the majority of you said that I would hold on to around 10-15 lbs, I had no idea about that! But it definitely makes sense. Thanks so much for all of your helpful input. Oh and just fyi, I didn't start shred til 8 weeks pp and my doc cleared me. I wanted to start before lol.. but I knew it was best to wait, bc I had a c section. My milk supply is pretty good, my healthier diet isn't cutting into it, so I'll just try to stress less about it and just see what happens once he weans, hopefully at a year. Thanks again! You guys rock

    That's great, the best attitude is to just be healthy. Trust me if you spend the first year stressing about your weight you will look back and wish you had just enjoyed it. They grow up so fast, enjoy him while you can, he'll soon be giving you to run around which will burn some calories ;)
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I could not lose while breast feeding. I was in a similar situation, lost some, then stopped. I found that if I cut lower on the calories, my supply would suffer. So, I just had to live with it until my daughters were weaned. Happened the same way both times.

    My doctor said some people lose a lot while nursing, others have an experience similar to mine where their bodies just won't let go of the extra fat reserves.

    This is exactly what happened with me as well. (long, long time ago, though!)
  • carfamily08
    I didn't have much luck losing weight with my first two, but it's been very different with my 3rd.

    I'm also 5'2" and settled at around 165-170 after each pregnancy (even though I was 125-130 pre kids). I didn't start trying to lose weight with #3 until she was over 3 months old. The first month the only thing I did was keep an eye on what I was eating, didn't log anything, didn't count calories. Was just mindful of my portions, how much I ate out and quit drinking so much diet soda. I lost 11lbs. that first month. Continued doing the same in October but things slowed down a bit. I still lost another 4-5lbs. but it kept fluctating and was harder to get off.

    At the beginning of November I decided to start tracking, fired back up my MFP account and started doing the 30 Day Shred. I found the In Place of a Roadmap thread shortly after and have adjusted my calories to that. I was eating upwards of 2000+ calories a day (now it's a bit less since I'm closer to my goal weight and my numbers are lower), do a JM video 5x a week on average (finished the 30 Day Shred, now on level 3 of Ripped in 30) and am still exclusively BFing my now 7 1/2 month old (we've introduced some solids and she eats off my plate occasionally but not enough to cut my BF calories yet). I've been consistently losing an average of 2lbs. per week since early November and my supply is great and my baby is right on her growth curve, she's actually grown a bit faster than projected :)

    I think it just really depends on each person and even each pregnancy. I tried the exact same plan with my first two and didn't see a pound drop until I weaned, or if I did lose weight my supply suffered. Keep eating healthy, stay active, enjoy your little one and you're already ahead of the game even if the pounds aren't coming off yet. It may happen when you least expect it :)