inches & lbs

146 & 5'6
My waist is 30" my hips are 39"

Don't focus on the number on the scale I got this down now
So if 5-10lb by March is realistic what kind of inch loss is realistic?

I have posted before I do taebo, leg&back p90x, plyo p90x, & shoulder &arm p90x.

1800 calorie diet. So if I say I would like to see maybe a 24" waist or 34/35" hip or something close around there about how long could this take?

I know bodies are different but by March maybe what can I expect inch wise?

Also, eating back the calories from working out... idk how much I burn to eat anything back.
is it absolutely necessary to eat it back? Or is 1800 on workout days plenty? And on non workout days should I eat less or stay the same?

Sorry about all the questions


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member

    I know bodies are different but by March maybe what can I expect inch wise?

    Answered your own question.. Depends on your body.. Could be 2-5 inches, could be 0.. depends where your body takes it from.