The Evil Green Sweats

When I was first married, my mother-in-law gave me a sweat suit. It was a white jacket w/green stripes and jogging pants that were green w/white stripes. All in all, it was cute, in a bright colored jogger kind of way. But the pants were way too big! I couldn't walk across the room without the pants falling down, literally, they would be around my ankles. But I kept them anyway. (Big no, no!) I figured I could wear them whenever I became pregnant, then I could have something to lounge around in during those “nothing fits” months. Innocent, right? Well, 5 years, 2 kids, and about 65 lbs later, I wear those pants all the time. All the time.

I hate the Evil Green Sweats.

They are my go-to pants for a day at home; cleaning, cooking, and hanging with my kids. I hate that I couldn't even keep them around my waist, and now they fit. (Maybe even a little snug…) I've tried to lose weight more times than I can count, but every time I lose 15-20 lbs, I go right back. My self esteem has taken it the hardest. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror without getting emotional. I feel weak, like I’m not strong enough to be thinner.

I hate being weak.

I've read that one of the things people in my situation need to deal with is having friends who actually know what’s going on. Because we feel like we need to do it on our own, like we can’t admit that we’re struggling. None of my friends know I deal with this. My own husband doesn't even know the deep, buried issues that I am struggling with. I feel like I’m completely alone in this area of my life.

I hate being alone.

I’m tired of hating. So I've decided to give it all one more shot. I know I’m a little late with a New Year’s Resolutions, 5 years late. But this year I plan on having a ceremonial burning of the Evil Green Pants at the end of the year. Whether or not I lose the weight. One of my goals is to be happier about myself in general. Another is to be more open with others about what’s really going on, and not try so hard to hide. I will post my progress once a month so I can look back and see the old me, and keep moving forward!


  • jenfoxjercha
    jenfoxjercha Posts: 51 Member
    I have to tell you the best part of losing the weight was getting rid of the ugly clothes and suddenly realizing that those pants don't look good any longer since they are now two sizes to big.
    One of my motivators is my son. He is in high school and very active. I want to be part of his life now and in the future. I started my weight loss for health reasons but now it is for me and my ability to go anywhere with him.
    I have found that my husband is one of my biggest supporters and on my cheering team. There are days that he will say something and I want to yell at him but he is supporting me. He loved me before and still loves me now.
    You can add me as a friend if you need additional support.
  • EstiloPanama
    You're not weak and you're not alone..

    When I was pregnant and huge (267 lbs) with my second child, I had to buy these huge Lane Bryant jeans to match my expanded waistline. I was very depressed about it. I promised myself I would never fit into those pants again! There are some clothes now that I am wearing that I never want to fit into again. I get you. When you start eating right, logging your food, working out you'll see a huge difference. maybe not right away. Maybe not in the first few weeks. But after a month or so you will start noticing a difference. I would say get a body fat anaylzer, and a tape measure, and accurate scale and just do it. Just do it and don't hate yourself if you mess up but resolve to do better. Whatever you do, don't give up. I am 250 and I have 100 pounds to lose. Trust me, many days I feel bad or alone, but in the end, what we are doing is for ourselves, not to impress others. Take care
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    You are beautiful regardless of how you feel at the moment. And I know your husband feels the same. And I remember when you were quite thin and thought you were fat. So clearly you've hit it on the head--it's the defeatist feelings that must be banished. You are no weaker than the next beautiful young woman--we are all wired that way (except perhaps the really obnoxious types and you didn't want to be her anyway!) and just have to learn to deal with it, the same way you have to learn to deal with all the other JUNK that comes at us from inside ourselves or that others are kind enough to throw our way. You might as well deal with it now, I can tell you from experience that it doesn't get any easier 20 fat years down the road. And I want to be at the Ugly Evil Green Sweatpants Burning Party. Perhaps I'll have something to contribute!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    You can lose the lbs and get the self-esteem back. Then you have to take pictures of you burning the evil green sweats. I have a similar pair of sweat pants that were huge on me a few years ago but when I wanted to pig out they were my comfy pants. now they fit but they are getting looser by the day. Just remember it is baby steps.