What is your weekly exercise schedule?



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I do karate once a week (60 mins).
    I lift weights twice a week.
    On the other days I do push ups and squats or rest.

    ETA push ups are anything from 150-300, squats are with weights
  • chrischojnacki09
    The best thing i would recommend is checking out BODYBUILDING.COM they provide you with good contructive workouts for any type of lifestyle. ive been using it for the last 2 years and recommend it to any1 who has a hard time working out without a "set plan".
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    5 days of Tae bo 2 workouts 98 - 106 mins per day. Sometimes to switch up w/dance, walk away the pounds, 30DS, Ripped in 30. Would like to get back to weight training & C25K treadmill!
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    I do cardio, arms, and abs 4 times per week and add some legs in when I feel like it.
    cardio = elliptical followed by running
    Then on top of that, once a week I do water aerobics.
  • GymMum8
    GymMum8 Posts: 28
    I have a 3 day on, 1 day off split weights program.

    Start day 1 today:

    Day 1: Chest and back
    Day 2: Legs and abs
    Day 3: Shoulders and arms
    Rest- run/walk

    And then start from the start again. I weight train 6 days a week and go for a run/walk 2-4 times throughout the week, more when I can fit it in. I don't really enjoy cardio at all.

  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I try to make it to spin 5-6 days a week and yoga 3 times a week. I will also throw in a swim or a day climbing or hiking if time permits, which it hasn't lately!

    I really want to incorporate weights but am totally intimidated. I probably need to get a few more elbees off first, anyway.
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    Monday-C25K and maybe a class if I have time
    Tuesday-15 minutes on elliptical, then weight machines (I went to www.freetrainers.com and they designed a weight work out to my specifications).
    Wednesday-Same as Monday
    Thursday-Same as Tuesday
    Friday-Same as Monday
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I run 4 or 5 times a week, and lift 3 or 4 times a week.
    And sometimes cycle on the weekends.
    And I bike commute (short)
  • jnj1013
    jnj1013 Posts: 27
    Monday - 1 hour bootcamp (mix of HIIT drills and mostly body weight exercises though we do some arm work with 10-15 lb weights)
    Tuesday - interval run (no more than 5 miles)
    Wednesday - 1 hour bootcamp
    Thursday - interval run (no more than 3 miles)
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - 1 hour bootcamp, 5 mile tempo run, tennis lessons (for beginners so not overly strenuous)
    Sunday - distance run (this week will be 11 miles and I add one mile per week, training for a full marathon in April) & yoga
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    At the moment I'm training for a Half Marathon so currently my week stands like this:

    Mon - Short run (5mile)
    Tues - Lifting (literally just started last week to compliment the cardio!)
    Wed - Short run (5mile)
    Thurs - Lots of walking with school run and Lifting
    Fri - Shorter run (3-4mile)
    Sat/Sun - Long distance run currently on 7miles but going up by .5miles a week
    Sat/Sun - Full day off

    My weekend varies but I'll always have one full day off exercise (excluding walking), and during the week sometimes my days will change around so I'm on more of a 2week schedule I suppose! :)
  • kerriotto
    2 days of strength training (one in a class and one with a trainer)
    3-4 days of Bikram yoga (cardio, strength and flexiblility in one session!).
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I basically rotate through something like this:

    * Lift Day: Stronglifts 5x5
    * Cardio Day: run, bike, swim, hill hike, walk. Distance and pace will depend on how much time I have that day and my energy levels. If I'm in need of a rest day, this is when I'll do it by getting active-rest with just a walk or very easy and shorter bike ride or run.
    * HIIT Day: Fartlek-run, kickboxing, spinning class, running up/down stadium stairs and doing sprints on the track, or walking up/down stairs or hills with a weighted pack at alternating fast/slower speeds, and maybe some plyometrics
    * Cardio Day: see above
    * Lift Day: see above
    and then it starts over again.

    Actually, just started this particular routine as I was having a tendency to get very fatigued from overtraining by doing too many HIIT-style days a week. And I like the variety.

    If it works out, I'll occasionally throw a yoga session in there as I need to make myself do some good stretching more often.
  • Roxie_64
    Roxie_64 Posts: 13 Member
    I have changed my routine to my main instructor being on maternity leave.We have a fill in but she's just not that good.

    Monday-1 hour Zumba
    Tues- Bootcamp which consists of resistance workouts,crunches,squats,squats etc
    Wed-Treadmill run walk 2-4 miles
    Thurs- Bootcamp, 1hour of yoga,ab,thighs and glut class,1 hour of zumba
    Friday-2-4 miles on treadmill or rest day

    Everyday I do squats,pushups and crunches except Saturday
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day, 7 days a week,
    if your a cardio QUEEN or KING, ADD ME!
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    I do 3 days of Cardio & 3 days of Strength training.
  • krypty
    krypty Posts: 14
    I go on a per/week basis, not necessarily day by day:

    Treadmill Max Incline Walk (3.5 mph) 45 minutes + 6 days/week
    Arc Trainer - (40 minutes) - 4 times/week
    Heavy Bag Workout - 3 days/week
    Sandbag Hike (40 lbs) - 1x/ week
    5K + Run - 2x/week
    Sprint Workout (10 max speed sprints) - 2x/week
    Exercise bike - 25 minutes - 3 days/week

    Then I also have 1 soccer game, and 1 hockey game each week :)
  • BAFilek
    BAFilek Posts: 139 Member
    Here is my schedule for this week

    Monday: run 7.4 miles
    Tuesday: Total Conditioning
    Wednesday: Triple Threat
    Thursday: off
    Friday: AM Total Conditioning PM Triple Threat
    Saturday: Run 4-5 miles and maybe Total Conditioning (if I am finished running in time)
    Sunday: Run 4-6 miles and maybe Spin class

    Total Conditioning is an aerobic workout that incorporates weights and core for one hour
    Triple Threat is 3 minutes of aerobic, 3 minutes of weights working legs, arms, back, 3 minutes of core - start the cycle all over again for one hour
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    5am: Deadlift and Back
    5:45: ABs
    6:00-6:30: Cardio
    12:00-12:35: Biceps
    12:35-12:50: Abs
    12:50 -1:15 Cardio

    5am: Squat and Legs
    5:45 Abs
    6-6:30 - Cardio
    12:00 - 12:35 - Shoulders (Traps)
    12:35-12:50: Abs
    12:50 -1:15 Cardio

    5am - Stretching
    5:30 - Rehab work (Light Weight for Rotator Cuff issues)
    5:45 Abs
    6-6:30 - Cardio
    12:00 - 12:35 - Triceps
    12:35-12:50: Abs
    12:50 -1:15 Cardio

    5am: Military Press / Shoulders
    5:45 Abs
    6-6:30 - Cardio
    12:00 - 12:35 - Middle and Upper Back
    12:35-12:50: Abs
    12:50 -1:15 Cardio

    5am: Bench/ Chest
    5:45 Abs
    6-6:30 - Cardio
    12:00 - 12:35 - (Muscle Group of choice)
    12:35-12:50: Abs
    12:50 -1:15 Cardio

    Saturday Rest

    Sunday: Whatever im in the mood for.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    MWF - weights (heavy)
    T,TH - interval runs on treadmill (2-3 miles)
    Sat - OFF
    Sun - cross country trail long run for mileage (marathon training) - I tend to get overuse injuries with too much training, so I do best with only one long run per week, with a couple of days of short intervals thrown in for speed.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Let me put in a plug for New Rules of Lifting for Women - its a great heavy lifting program that changes up every 4-6 weeks. There is a group on MFP that you can join to support you. This week my schedule is:

    Monday: NROL4W & Yoga
    Tuesday: Spin
    Wedenesday: NROLFW
    Thursday: Soccer
    Friday: NROLFW
    Saturday: 6 mile run
    Sunday: ?? Maybe rest