Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/5 wk 10



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Everyone!! How is your week going? Hope you're keeping your goals in mind and working hard with all that is necessary!

    Not too much going on....just did some house chores and tidied up some areas. Cloudy and rainy here this week, but hey, we are in the 30's and 40's!! YIPPY!! Do have a lengthy bus trip coming up this Saturday.

    Jacque ~ glad you had a good time w/your friend and ** CONGRATS ** to your dd!! Nice job!
    Crystal ~ YUM, Chinese! Dh and I have been experimenting with 'sauces' lately. We did a sweet and sour stir fry w/shrimp and it turned out really good. Glad you are liking the walks with Leslie.....lots of variety, and no excuses now if the weather is bad!
    Vita ~ how did the Dr's appt go? it is such a good feeling when the whole house is clean! do you like the Curves circuit? Barb goes there pretty often and I know it's popular around here.

    Well, BL nite! Have a nice evenin' ladies!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi everyone.....
    I'm here.
    Basketball is over .... the Girl Scout camping trip is over..... however we are doing an ALL DAY Philadelphia trip on Saturday.

    Trying to watch the foods.. haven't been logging in food...
    Today was a really great weather day. Nice to see the weather has begun to change to better sunny days.

    Take care.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all the DOC went great! HE went over my blood and it is awesome and went over my ultrsound and it looks good, he said that some people just have tummy troubles and can tums it and cut back on certain foods if it happens. SO with a clean bill of health I walked away HAPPY!
    Odd weather yesterday that made me happy for a whol;e 4 mins it looked like my town was in a snow globe that someone had shook, and that was the begining and end of this years snow:(
    BArb&Kelly~ I am a huge fan of curves (Doing the week free thing right now) and it is kicking my butt:) I love it (Dont know how much the membership is gonna be hopefully it is agreeable because I want to join:)
    anyhow I am gonna go eat:) and take off my smelly clothes:)
    got my first ever tan in a tanning thingy....burnt my chest: LOL thats what I get for using fake sun!
    See yuo all tomorrow:)
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Wednesday everyone!
    Well I am still logging but am eating like crap. Need to go to the store and get veggies. DS baseball game ran late, His team won 10-0. They are undefeated at this time. Another game on Thursday! DD having issues again. Mad at me and the world, I told last night if she didnt want to follow the rules, not to come home. She finally came home about 10, but I think she only came home becuase her friends needed a place to sleep. I have 2 girls in my neighborhood that the mother just up and left them on their own. One had been staying with friends and the other been comeing over for dinner all last week. Well Monday the electricity was turned off. So they been sleeping at my place and taking showers. I really cant deal with this right now but how can I not help. They are 17 and 18, they are hard girls because of their mom, but they go to school and so far have not really been any trouble but....
    Oh well hope everyone has a good day
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    hello Peppers

    Kelly on the chart i only lost 1 pound last week so it was 175 this week i lost 2 pounds so i am at 173.... hope everyone is doing good ... sorry i have been MIA .... still babying the kidney and spending time with my lil girl ..... talk to everyone soon
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hey Pepper....had a good workout this morning!! Just need to watch what goes in the mouth now!! LOL

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's,
    Sorry I have not checked in for a few days. I have been really busy and the next couple of week even busier. I am still sticking to calories. Having an exray tomorrow, my wrist still hurts and finding I am having trouble with some movements. hope not fractured. I may weigh in tomorrow morning just in case they put a cast on it.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day and I will try to check in. :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Megan, congrats on the loss this week! YAY, 52 lbs!! I will put it on this Friday's chart.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Jacque~ Looks like you have a lot going on. It is very good of you to take them in and help, even though you dont have to.. take it from me (The daughter of a drug addict and alcoholic) these girls need someone good int heir lives!
    Been going to curves everyday and it is kicking my butt! I was supprised compaired to what I do at my gym I didnt think it would have this effect on me bt I am glad that it does:) I :heart: it
    Had veggie pizza for lunch today :( but worked it off at the gy,m, eating ok getting my water in and lost in a good book for most of the last few days:)
    Wishing a pepperific thursday and I will talk tomorrow:)
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    LAST CHANCE WORKOUT TODAY!!! Make it count Peppers!! I am headed to the gym in a little bit...will workout hard for at least 1 1/2 hours!! I want to lose a pound at least!!!!!!!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so this week has gone really bad. Cant seem to controll my self with the eating, basically eating everything in sight and no exercising either. Was feeling like crap and weight my self this morning so tomorrow wont be a shock, Gained 3 pounds hope that some of it water weight and wont be there tomorrow but I doubt it. Really need to get motivated but unsure how. On top of this today we had to attend a lecture and my Doctor I work for was a total @$$ and went off about obesity, and really put people down and I just wanted to hit in the head. The part that bother me is if he thought so little of fat people why the hell did he hire me. I wish I can say this motivated me but it did not it just pissed me off. I am so fed up I just want to scream!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    This week has been going okay. I'm good until right before bed and then I end up eating something I shouldn't. I haven't gone too overboard, so I'm not sure how much it will affect the weigh in tomorrow. I've been walking with Leslie everyday. I'm think I may buy one of her yoga DVDs, too.

    Tonight I'm hosting my Pokeno group. I've made a few recipes from Cooking Light. I should manage to stay under my calories and still have one of the yummy cinnamon rolls I made from scratch!!!!

    I just made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. I went to the eye doctor last Friday and the nurse took my blood pressure and it was something really low like 100/50. I don't actually own a BP monitor, so I went to my mom's the next day and took it again. Same low results. She and my best friend convinced me to at least call the doctor's office to see if they were concerned about it being so low. His nurse said to come in if I was showing any symptoms of low blood pressure, which I am. I can't stand up half the time without getting light headed. One day I bent down to pick something up. When I stood back up, I had to sit down on the floor before I fell down because everything went black. So, I'm going to see the Dr tomorrow. Honestly, as stupid as this sounds, I never expected for my weight loss to affect my BP. The one grandparent I have who has high BP is skinny as a rail. I figured I was just doomed. Some people just are, right? Well, my mother informs me through all of this that Grandpa doesn't actually take meds for it as long as he keeps his weight in check. Ugh!! I wish I'd known that!! Anyway, wish me luck. I'm allowing myself a little bit of hope that he'll reduce or eliminate my BP meds!! I'd be okay with a reduction because I would expect that after I get rid of the next 40, I'll be off of them completely.

    Good luck on the scale tomorrow everyone!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI SHGP's.

    Well, I start off good then blow it by noon. I just can't seem to get going on the right track here. Not one good day in the last week. What is wrong with me? I have all the info that I will ever need, right here, and I just can't make it happen.

    On a positive note today, we hit 54*! It was just so nice. We have had gloom, clouds and rain here lately and flooding is expected, but hey, the sun shined today for just a bit! I went to the city for some groceries, then we had an early out, then I did an extra shuttle. So, not a normal day. Dh is working late and we are having pork stir fry for supper.

    Erica ~ glad Curves is going so well for you! I bet that will really help tone and transform you!!

    Lynette ~ hope you had a great workout today! Yay!

    Jacque ~ you have such a good, caring heart. *YOU* are such a blessing to them girls. When I read your post, I felt like I was writing it. I have not had a good week. No balance, and out of control. Can we blame our hormones? I really wanted to enjoy my 40's, more than I did my 30's. It ain't happening. I am so sorry your boss made those comments. I'm sure it stings. I know how you feel....I am the biggest female bus driver. The others are skinny mini' crap, drink, don't work out. I am truly thinking I have destroyed my metabolism from all my yo yo yrs. And, I am seriously considering getting help. Maybe see a nutritionist, or a personal trainer. I don't know....I am feeling desperate. Why can't I just DO THIS?? Anyway, we got hang in here. People are having success, and we just gotta believe that one day we will too. {{{hugs}}}

    Crystal ~ I never really had a problem with bedtime eating....until just lately. WHY?? All these bad habits are confusing me!! Sounds like you have a good plan for your Pokeno nite...have fun! YUM, cinnamon rolls! I have tried and tried and tried to make them from scratch....and gave up. My family loves them, but I hate to make something that looks and tastes so awful! YES, wt loss will lower your bp girl! You have lost a good amount of wt, you are staying active....and I am sure you are improving your heart function and cardiovascular strength! I bet you will be off them meds no doubt! The same thing happened to me. When I was 231 lbs, and had a lot of stress that I didn't cope well with, my highest bp was 172/117!! YIKES!! You bet I was in the hospital for that! Then I lost 55 lbs, and learned how to manage my *stress*, and have been off meds for 5 yrs. Even now, when I have not been active for a while, mine goes up a little....hmmm, all the more reason to get movin'! Good luck tomorrow and let us know how it goes!

    Well, skinny vibes and low number wished upon you all for tomorrow. take care gang! will post the new thread later..:flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Ok so this week has gone really bad. Cant seem to controll my self with the eating, basically eating everything in sight and no exercising either. Was feeling like crap and weight my self this morning so tomorrow wont be a shock, Gained 3 pounds hope that some of it water weight and wont be there tomorrow but I doubt it. Really need to get motivated but unsure how. On top of this today we had to attend a lecture and my Doctor I work for was a total @$$ and went off about obesity, and really put people down and I just wanted to hit in the head. The part that bother me is if he thought so little of fat people why the hell did he hire me. I wish I can say this motivated me but it did not it just pissed me off. I am so fed up I just want to scream!!

    That is so wrong. I know how hard this is on you, I am having the same issue, lack of motivation. The more we let this bother us the more stressed or angry we get. I am going to try to focus more, but I dont need people telling me Im Obese, I know that and working on it, dont need to be told. Dont let it bother you and use your anger to motivate you. We are all here for you and going through simalar things. Hang in there the nice weather is coming and we will get out there. :heart: :bigsmile:
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