First cheeseburger in two weeks and now I feel...



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I'll never be giving up cheeseburgers anytime soon, but I'll never be eating a fast food burger either, their disgusting to say the least.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    Next time you (or anyone else) gets the urge for a cheeseburger--just do it the healthy way. Buy LEAN beef (or turkey if you like it) and divide that one pound package into 4 1/4 lb burgers. Use reduced fat cheese (Naturally slender American is pretty good) and slap that burger on a whole wheat roll or bread. Add onions sauteed in a little healthy olive oil, lettuce, and tomato, and you have a pretty healthy sandwich. Depending upon your calorie target, maybe its not something you want to eat every day, but you could sure have one once a week.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Next time you (or anyone else) gets the urge for a cheeseburger--just do it the healthy way. Buy LEAN beef (or turkey if you like it) and divide that one pound package into 4 1/4 lb burgers. Use reduced fat cheese (Naturally slender American is pretty good) and slap that burger on a whole wheat roll or bread. Add onions sauteed in a little healthy olive oil, lettuce, and tomato, and you have a pretty healthy sandwich. Depending upon your calorie target, maybe its not something you want to eat every day, but you could sure have one once a week.

    a grass fed burger is totally healthy for you in moderation.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    A high quality, lean beef mid-rare burger makes me feel good.
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    I did this with french fries from Wendy's about a 3 weeks belly hurt so bad...ugh
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    Next time you (or anyone else) gets the urge for a cheeseburger--just do it the healthy way. Buy LEAN beef (or turkey if you like it) and divide that one pound package into 4 1/4 lb burgers. Use reduced fat cheese (Naturally slender American is pretty good) and slap that burger on a whole wheat roll or bread. Add onions sauteed in a little healthy olive oil, lettuce, and tomato, and you have a pretty healthy sandwich. Depending upon your calorie target, maybe its not something you want to eat every day, but you could sure have one once a week.

    Agree for most part on this. Only exception i would give is instead of the whole wheat bread use pita. Mostly because unless the whole wheat has pieces of the wheat still whole and not pulverized into flour it is just as bad for you as white bread, so i was told by a nutritionist.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Next time you (or anyone else) gets the urge for a cheeseburger--just do it the healthy way. Buy LEAN beef (or turkey if you like it) and divide that one pound package into 4 1/4 lb burgers. Use reduced fat cheese (Naturally slender American is pretty good) and slap that burger on a whole wheat roll or bread. Add onions sauteed in a little healthy olive oil, lettuce, and tomato, and you have a pretty healthy sandwich. Depending upon your calorie target, maybe its not something you want to eat every day, but you could sure have one once a week.

    Agree for most part on this. Only exception i would give is instead of the whole wheat bread use pita. Mostly because unless the whole wheat has pieces of the wheat still whole and not pulverized into flour it is just as bad for you as white bread, so i was told by a nutritionist.
    No wonder people are neurotic when it comes to food.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    Next time you (or anyone else) gets the urge for a cheeseburger--just do it the healthy way. Buy LEAN beef (or turkey if you like it) and divide that one pound package into 4 1/4 lb burgers. Use reduced fat cheese (Naturally slender American is pretty good) and slap that burger on a whole wheat roll or bread. Add onions sauteed in a little healthy olive oil, lettuce, and tomato, and you have a pretty healthy sandwich. Depending upon your calorie target, maybe its not something you want to eat every day, but you could sure have one once a week.

    Agree for most part on this. Only exception i would give is instead of the whole wheat bread use pita. Mostly because unless the whole wheat has pieces of the wheat still whole and not pulverized into flour it is just as bad for you as white bread, so i was told by a nutritionist.
    No wonder people are neurotic when it comes to food.

    I'm not sure I understand your point. Around here, I can buy pita pockets that are essentially made from white flour or whole wheat flour. I'm pretty sure that most people would agree that whole wheat baked products have more nutritional value than those made from white flour (all bets are off if you have an intolerance to gluten!). I don't think that bread vs. roll vs. pita pocket has much to do with it. See below.

    "One of the primary nutritional differences between whole-wheat and white flour is the food’s fiber content. Dietary fiber has a number of health benefits -- it prevents constipation, lowers blood cholesterol and might help you lose weight, according to Colorado State University. The refining process associated with making white flour separates the fiber-rich brain from the rest of the grain, so white flour typically contains less fiber than its whole-grain counterpart. For example, 1/2 cup of white flour contains 1.3 grams of fiber, while an equal serving of whole-wheat flour contains 6.4 grams. As a result, selecting foods that contain wheat flour helps you reach your dietary fiber intake goal -- 28 grams daily if you follow a 2,000-calorie diet, according to Colorado State University."
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    I just had my first cheeseburger in about a month and it was glorious. Beer and onion rings were good, too. I eat "healthy" most of the time so I enjoy the occasional burger at a local spot (not fast food or chain restaurant) or make my own. I did have some of the ITIS afterward but a little Sunday afternoon took care of that. Next time pick a better place or make one yourself that you will really enjoy and feel like the calories were worth it.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i ate mcdonalds yesterday and had two hamburgers and fries. i felt a lot different that time appose to the many many other times i would eat there. i know what your mean. when you are eating better then eat something on the naughty side, you think and feel differently. i did have the guilt though and did more exercise. but i think that is a good thing and part of the learning process. i am still going to enjoy my favorite foods. but only in moderation. food will no longer me the center of my life. and i do love turkey burgers made at home. my fiance and i killed a box since new years! much healthier then normal burgers.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Next time you (or anyone else) gets the urge for a cheeseburger--just do it the healthy way. Buy LEAN beef (or turkey if you like it) and divide that one pound package into 4 1/4 lb burgers. Use reduced fat cheese (Naturally slender American is pretty good) and slap that burger on a whole wheat roll or bread. Add onions sauteed in a little healthy olive oil, lettuce, and tomato, and you have a pretty healthy sandwich. Depending upon your calorie target, maybe its not something you want to eat every day, but you could sure have one once a week.

    Agree for most part on this. Only exception i would give is instead of the whole wheat bread use pita. Mostly because unless the whole wheat has pieces of the wheat still whole and not pulverized into flour it is just as bad for you as white bread, so i was told by a nutritionist.
    No wonder people are neurotic when it comes to food.

    I'm not sure I understand your point. Around here, I can buy pita pockets that are essentially made from white flour or whole wheat flour. I'm pretty sure that most people would agree that whole wheat baked products have more nutritional value than those made from white flour (all bets are off if you have an intolerance to gluten!). I don't think that bread vs. roll vs. pita pocket has much to do with it. See below.

    "One of the primary nutritional differences between whole-wheat and white flour is the food’s fiber content. Dietary fiber has a number of health benefits -- it prevents constipation, lowers blood cholesterol and might help you lose weight, according to Colorado State University. The refining process associated with making white flour separates the fiber-rich brain from the rest of the grain, so white flour typically contains less fiber than its whole-grain counterpart. For example, 1/2 cup of white flour contains 1.3 grams of fiber, while an equal serving of whole-wheat flour contains 6.4 grams. As a result, selecting foods that contain wheat flour helps you reach your dietary fiber intake goal -- 28 grams daily if you follow a 2,000-calorie diet, according to Colorado State University."
    If the lion share of fiber in my diet is coming from bread, regardless of the color, shoot me. I get your point though, unfortunately it's difficult to read threads that ask if fruit is ok to eat because fruit has sugar. This is how poor relationships with food start.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Maybe it is just me, but, when I "indulge" on a meal of burger/fries, pizza, curry, PIE!, I'm rarely sick afterwards, unless I eat past being full. I eat healthy all week, stay within my goals, work out, drink a lot of water, but I guess this carb=bad thing doesn't effect me. When I have a huge juicy burger, it is glorious!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    If the lion share of fiber in my diet is coming from bread, regardless of the color, shoot me. I get your point though, unfortunately it's difficult to read threads that ask if fruit is ok to eat because fruit has sugar. This is how poor relationships with food start.

    or how bout they're just curious because they've heard you shouldn't have too much sugar (true) and while logging food realized how much sugar fruit has?

    i don't think it's an unreasonable question for someone just starting out.

    that said, sugar from fruit is better than processed sugars, corn syrups, HFCS, etc. I'm usually over my sugar limit for the day, but it's almost always from fruit sugars so I don't worry about it so much.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    And a lot of other things like processed foods, baked goods, pork, sugar......yeah. I can't handle it anymore and it makes me feel physically ill. Most things I just say no to any more not because they will make me fat again but because I no longer enjoy them. I used to love any type of chocolate, now I really only care to have 60-75% dark Godiva or Ghirardelli; everything else tastes like dirt.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Nope. Whenever I indulge in a delicious cheese burger it's because I really want it and I am so satisfied after wards.

    ^ My sentiments exactly. Also, I would wager that your ate WAY more of that burger than your body or craving (or whatever) needed.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    red meat doesn't make me feel bad...and i still eat plenty of it...but processed food binges, like..i dunno kids cereals, or cheez its never cease to make my feel terrable and guilty. I think the bread from the cheeseburger, or some french fries with it would make me feel the worst
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I do, but not necessarily from the red meat. But when I endulge in crappy food, especially if I do it for a couple days in a row, I feel awful!! One meal won't really do it to me anymore, but that first year when I was very strick and sticking with the 1200 cals, one burger would wreck me. I'd feel so sick. Now I mix things up a little more, so its not so bad. Unless I do it for days. lol
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Solution: Eat cheeseburgers more often.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Yup. I had a cheat weekend. Had McDonald's and pizza today, and I actually drank a Sprite with my pizza. I feel like a bloated pile of poop. I mean, I feel LITERALLY like a balloon that has been blown up. Ugh. I can't wait to eat some fruits and veggies tomorrow and clean this crap out of my system.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You're lucky you got that! When I eat a cheeseburger now, I instantly have a stomachache, it's ridiculous. So I stay away!