help please! which HRM to buy?



  • jayne_mel
    jayne_mel Posts: 173 Member
    Love my polar FT4.
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    Bump for later :)
  • fionadasein
    fionadasein Posts: 165 Member
    The reviews on amazon say the same thing, and even after battery and chest strap, and entire watch and strap replacements, customers had the same prob and are asking for a refund. Almost everyone's saying to go for polar but I'm nervous because of this issue with both ft4 and ft7! Any other ideas?
  • fionadasein
    fionadasein Posts: 165 Member
    I've had the Polar FT7 for a while, and I love it. However, the FT4 is cheaper and the features aren't much different (primarily that it stores less workouts and can't sync to the website, which requires that you buy another component anyway).

    As far as it spiking high when you first start working out. Yes, mine does that occasionally, but it doesn't stay there, so I don't consider it a real problem. I use mine about 3 or 4 times a week and I had to replace the battery in the transmitter (only a few $) after probably 8 months. The watch is still going strong on the original battery.

    I do have "issues" with it at my gym. The equipment at my gym can sync with the Polar chest strap, but for some reason, that causes it to not register on my watch on most machines. On some, both the machine and the watch read it at the same time without issue.

    If I were going to buy one today, one feature I'd like to have that this doesn't is the ability to look back at my heart rate over time for the whole workout. The FT7 will show maximum and average, but not plot it for the duration of the workout. Polar has a new chest strap that can connect to an iPhone via bluetooth AND connect to one of the watches. The advantage of that would be that an iPhone app could log the HR data over time, along with other date (e.g., speed and elevation in a running app).

    Ah, very interesting! I would really like to plot HR throughout a workout too! My food-induced exercise anaphylaxis doesn't always trigger at the same HR and duration of HR is, I think, one of the factors, so would be great to see! Do you happen to know the name of the new band that also connects to the iPhone (or hopefully the iPad!)?

    Many thanks! :)

    The Polar RC3 GPS I mentioned before plots HR throughout the entire workout.

    Many thanks!!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I have a polar FT4 and it does everything I need and it was fairly cheap. I absolutely love it!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    LOVE my Polar FT4.. it has a chest strap and watch. Def great value too!
  • fionadasein
    fionadasein Posts: 165 Member
    This sounds like a ? for your doctor. Your monitor should be one of high quality and accurate due to your condition. Please only take advice from qualified listeners. JH

    I agree, but I've spoken with the best specialists in the field, and their best advice was to just never exercise again!! And I took their advice for several years, stopping all sports competitions and any exercise for pleasure, and my thyroid became underactive, i gained lots of weight, and got high BP. I finally decided that I would rather die living a good life of vitality with exercise than live the rest of my life without exercise and die early anyway. Sadly the doctors are so afraid of liability, they refuse to recommend anything related to exercise for me. Thus my foray into MFP for advice! :) I've been exercising safely now for a few years (success story!) but never at the same intensity I used to, and would like to start going a bit harder, but because there is risk, I want a more accurate system for monitoring HR. I'm really great at listening to my body but this will help me to develop an even more nuanced approach. :)
  • Saddlebags_R_Us
    You may want to check out where you might find more qualified advice, perhaps even advice related to your condition. I've found it to be invaluable.