
Cliff_RN Posts: 13
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, I joined the site about 2 weeks ago on the suggestion of a co-worker to help keep track of my food intake & excercise.
I'm a nurse currently working in a small ICU in Northwestern Vermont. Married for 18 years, 3 boys 13, 11, & 9 yrs old.

I lived for 11+ yrs in southern Louisiana whre I was working as a RN, but grew up in Montreal, Quebec. Regardless of where we lived, eating was the focus of any get-together. Still to this day I prefer to go out to eat with friends than stay out all night at a club. I guess it's in my nature.

Working busy shift work I can go 24 hrs without eating a bite except coffee, then binge when I'm at home. I know better, but knowing better and doing better is a stretch.

I printed out some info on the couch-to-5k program. There are a ton of runs around here so I should be able to get in one in the near future (Maybe 12 weeks?) We'll see

Working mostly nights is a challenge to eat healthy. Hopefully I will be able to take control.


Cliff P


  • kimd11
    kimd11 Posts: 2
    I know exactly how you feel i'm an aod for the trauma center i work for on night shift so i'm running non-stop at times and then when i get home i get my kids off to school. two girls 8 and 11 and then try to sleep because as soon as school is out we are off to practice of all sorts so eating is the last thing on my mind then when i get hungry i eat everything that is not nailed down! I take healthy snacks plus we have a well stocked lounge with fruit and water but you have to have a chance to sit down to use it. my weakness is on my nights off I tend to snack as my husband and girls seem to think they have to snack before bed so they make me hungry so i start to munch and i do it when i sit and watch TV because i'm bored so i started doing my stair maching when watching tv so i'm no longer bored solved that issue ! . I'm like you when it come to food and friends it juse goes so well together but i'm doing other things like we are meeting at the parrks for runs, walks as well as basketball differnet things to burn calories and just decompress after a stressful week. as my husband is a firefighter so he usually brings what i'm going to be dealing with so its nice that he understands what i'm dealing with and i understand how stressful his career is to him so it works out really well.
    well godbless and best wishes you will do well
    I have taken the attitude one day at a time .. do not regret yesterday it is done and tomorrow is not here yet so do not beat yourself up over what is already done.
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