18, 5 ft 1, 145 pounds of unhappy

Hey, my name is Kendra, and I'm 18 years old. I am 5 ft 1, and am currently at my highest weight of 145 pounds. My goal weight is 125 pounds. I am looking for some support so I don't quit trying to lose weight like I have in the past.


  • rsjohnb
    rsjohnb Posts: 215 Member
    youve made the first step, the rest will be easy, feel free to add me :smile:
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi Kendra, my name is Jenn and i'm 22. I'm 5'1" as well, when I started last year I was at 192 and now my current weight is 163.4. I've made small goals for me to reach so at the moment i'm working towards 158 and then i'll figure out my next goal from there. I'd like to be in my healthy weight range (i'm sure everybody does lol) so i'm thinking for my ultimate goal maybe somewhere from 110-125...i'll figure it out once i'm there. Feel free to add me! :)