program highly suggested by doctor

very recently had my gall bladder removed and a hernia repaired and now doctor needs me to watch what I and I have decided to do this program together...but I have 1 the "fats" it doesnt break down WHAT fats Im taking can I know this and how can I keep proper count of the "bad fats" ?


  • Hi Dori!

    Welcome to MFP! Sounds like your Dr has sent you in a great direction!!

    In regards to your question, you are going to find that information on the nutrition label of what ever food you're eating. The nutrition label will first list TOTAL FAT GRAMS, then underneath that it will break those Total Fat Grams down into saturated fats and transfats. The higher the saturated fats and/or transfats....the higher that food item contains bad fats.

    Hope that helps a little bit. For more information just "google" search for bad fats and you'll probably pull up alot of information!

    Good luck on your weight loss!! Nice to have your daughter doing this with you!

    Send me a friend request if you'd like to add some weight loss buddies! :)
  • Thank you very much...yes it does help tremendously...