I ate my diet last night!!!!!!

Arrived home about 2245 last night, felt good. Wife gets home, I tell her I'm craving a cardboard pizza. "Throw one in, I'm hungry too" she repiles. I had calories left for the day so what the hell, one little square won't hurt me. I throw in a Tombstone Pizza, Frozen, 4 meat into our pizza oven. Volia, 13 minutes later its done. I slice it into squares, 3X4 cuts. I take it into the living room, give her a paper plate with two squares on it, from the middle. She does not really like the crispier outer edge. So I turn on CNBC, my favorite channel for business and some of their programs ie American Greed and How I Made my Millions. The show last night was on the creation of Pixar Studios. By the end of the show I look down and all the pizza is gone!!! Lorraine had 4 pieces, Casper the hungry ghost must have eaten the other pieces cause I only had two right?? Yeahhhhh righttttttt. I ate 80% of the pizza, calories out the window, fat too!! So what did i learn?

1) I'm a pig and absolutely no good? Nope, I just had a lapse and tomorrow is a new day.
2) I can eat any where. Nope. Living room is the family room, dining room is the eating room.
3) I can have a small snack while watching TV. Nope, see #2.
4) I can control what I eat. Yes, but only if I pay close attention to eating when I eat, and not eating unless it is time to eat.
5) I can rationialize eating a whole card board pizza. Yeah I can, but my heart still knows the truth.
6) I am perfect? Nope and my darling bride will tell you, and me the same thing.

So here it is the day after I cannabilized my diet. Back on that weight loss horse again after not being thrown, but falling off. Will I never fall off again? Nope I will, but I will try hard not too. A new day, a new 1250 calories to enjoy. Dine on, weight falls off.


  • azcat1281
    azcat1281 Posts: 22 Member
    I have overate on my diet too !!! At this moment I am very hungry and I crave a big plate of mexican food:-) But I will have a snack instead. If I had mexican food in front of me right now I am sure I would eat it all !!!! Lol So, you are not the only one, congrats on getting back on your plan. It's not a race, we just need to cross the finish line. Good Luck to you.......
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    Hey Stormtruck2,

    I just took a peek at your food diary...you need to eat more. For a man your height 1250 calories is low. You'll see a difference if you add calories and exercise. And don't beat yourself up over last night's pizza. It happens. Get up, dust yourself off and get back on track.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    ....sorry....i read the title as 'I ate my date last night'! lol...
  • flying_inside
    flying_inside Posts: 67 Member
    I understand the missing pizza problem all too well! A small Domino's pizza for me is one serving, when I give in. Great attitude to have to acknowledge & move forward. Best of luck on your journey!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Hey Stormtruck2,

    I just took a peek at your food diary...you need to eat more. For a man your height 1250 calories is low. You'll see a difference if you add calories and exercise. And don't beat yourself up over last night's pizza. It happens. Get up, dust yourself off and get back on track.

    My thoughts exactly.

    Two things stuck out to me immediately: you were watching TV while you ate and you're eating LOW calories for a man at your height and weight. Both of these things can set you up for "binges," or at least eating more of something than you intended.
  • flying_inside
    flying_inside Posts: 67 Member
    Hey Stormtruck2,

    I just took a peek at your food diary...you need to eat more. For a man your height 1250 calories is low. You'll see a difference if you add calories and exercise. And don't beat yourself up over last night's pizza. It happens. Get up, dust yourself off and get back on track.

    Agree w/this, too.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    ok fine, I guess it's ok that u didn't eat 'ur date'/ Better luck next tongue...........like Shaun t says.........Dig Deeper!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Hey Stormtruck2,

    I just took a peek at your food diary...you need to eat more. For a man your height 1250 calories is low. You'll see a difference if you add calories and exercise. And don't beat yourself up over last night's pizza. It happens. Get up, dust yourself off and get back on track.

    ^^^ THIS ++
    When I saw your goal was 1250 I thought :noway: so went & checked your profile - for a guy; 5'11; surely you should be EATING way more. Probably not all pizza, but if it fits your target, once in a while, go for it. I see you haven't lost much; I suggest go in and fix your goals and let MFP calculate them for you, you don't have to eat so little - I eat that, and I am a 61 yo female, sedentary, at 5'6 1/2 (that half is very important!! :laugh:
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    It's so easy to do! Great attitude though, brush it off and move on.

    The last time we ordered a pizza, we ordered a small instead of a medium or large, and a veggie lovers with ham instead of pepperoni. We also got a couple side salads. This is the only way I can control my cravings for pizza. If we get a medium or large, my wife eats 2 or 3 pieces and I polish off the rest.
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    Yeah I do this all the time. Just gotta pull those bootstraps on and start again the next day.
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    ok fine, I guess it's ok that u didn't eat 'ur date'/ Better luck next tongue...........like Shaun t says.........Dig Deeper!

    I didn't say I didn't, just don't know how to log it. :wink:
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    good lord man should be eating 2000 calories a day
  • swillybay
    swillybay Posts: 61 Member
    I like this attitude! If we beat ourselves after every slip-up, we'd never get anywhere. Someone told me - "it's not like you've committed a crime - you just ate too much one day. Be kind to yourself and tomorrow's a new day."
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    The only reason I'm down 6 pounds is that I just returned to MFP a few days ago, after gaining 38 pound after surgery and three months off work. As for the 1250 cals, I set my goal at that. I drink a lot of meal replacement/protein drinks through out the day. I usally don't feel hungry because I graze all day and at work. I try to keep my protein/carb at 2:1. fats I try to get from nuts, olives, and oily fish. If I am at 1250 for the day and I am hungry, I go to the kitchen, get out the crackers and crack open some almonds, hazel, and walnuts. I figure first if I have to crack them open, I won't eat as many and it slows down my eating, rather than diving into a full bag. Slows down my eating and confines my eating to the kitchen and dining room. I shoot for 1250 a day, but feel no guilt if I happen to hit 1800. I try to stay in a range rather than a red line limit. If I feel hungry, I eat something, sometimes a whole damn pizza!!:laugh:
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    good lord man should be eating 2000 calories a day

  • Definitely agree with some comments above. How can a man survive (without just storing fat) on such a low amount of calories?! Maybe re-calculate? I would've thought a dieting man would maybe cut to 2000 and no less. I'm not surprised you ate the pizza, you were starving! :)
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    If you eat your calories and exercise every day you could claw that pizza back in a week. It's all about balance.
    I know at some point I'm going to go the pub, have 3 or 4 pints and then get a takeaway pizza. It will happen eventually. I also know that I'll do my best to have a similar attitude to you and not let it ruin my hard work.
    As the saying goes - s**t happens. You've still got to clean it up, though!
  • We have all done it! I ate 6 of these yummy chocolate candy truffles last week. Delicious! Then I turned the package over to see how many calories. 200 a piece. gulp. The next day I was very conscious of what I ate. Start again. That is really all we can do. I am a fan of a clean slate......:happy:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Must have been something about last night. ~tongue firmly in cheek~

    I can only say that six hershey's kisses turned in to way too many last night.
  • Rolly187
    Rolly187 Posts: 5 Member
    We have all done it! I ate 6 of these yummy chocolate candy truffles last week. Delicious! Then I turned the package over to see how many calories. 200 a piece. gulp. The next day I was very conscious of what I ate. Start again. That is really all we can do. I am a fan of a clean slate......:happy:

    haha, the cook on the ship i work on made profiteroles the other day, i smashed 3 in a row. Yes, it was totally worth it.
    But i agree with everyone else in saying you arent eating enough calories mate.