
ok, not exactly, but sortof.
I have GOT to get back on track. school is making things really challenging, and I had a nasty cold for more than a week. so I am back on track, worked out last night after a walk to the park. today i am once again logging my food, and it's warm enough to start jogging at lunch without an asthma attack. i feel like i've gained like 10 pounds ina week and a 1/2. i got rid of the scale (thankfully) so i don't actually KNOW that. and i don't really want to. so any beatings or encouragement you can give is appreciated.


  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    No beatings here! You're back on track now, stay there and keep pluggin away. It's gonna be good! Yay for warmer weather :drinker: