Losing weight after 50

I need help getting the weight off that is sticking mainly to midsection.
I exercise, calorie restrict, weight lift, but cannot lose the 20 lbs I need to lose
Anyone else going through this? anyone successful dropping weight after the age of 40-50??
I'm getting discouraged!


  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    well i am 50 if that means anything lol if u have a little to lose it is harder losing...but attainable. much discipline is needed n staying focused n motivated is the battle...especially when numbers dont budge...but they do eventually. watch the calories...type of food and exercise....it will show eventually.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    Well, my loss is not nearly as impressive as the poster above me, but it is possible. I'm 60 and have been successful with weighing, measuring, logging, and exercising 3-5 times per week. Unfortunately it seems like the place where we would most like to lose the weight is the last place the fat comes off.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm 55 and lost 20 lbs two years ago to get back to my 20's weight. It took about 6 months but it's not that hard to do if you're dedicated.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'll be 58 on Sunday. I lost 22% of why starting weight and now where I was when I got out of college. Remarkably, all the parts are basically in the same place they were then.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm 51 and lost 35 lbs. in about 4-5 months through calorie restriction, walking and some resistance exercises.
    I'm going for another 10 now to get rid of the love handles that are left but at a slower rate.
  • Tetonia
    Tetonia Posts: 79 Member
    I am 47 and have lost 15 pounds in the last six months, down to the last 5% of body fat to burn off now. I expect it will be slow but hope to get there by summer. Success has come from better workouts (less cardio, more weights), more protein, and higher calories. I weigh what I did 10 years ago, which was healthy and slim.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    If you just started this month, you may be expecting too much so soon. Science may have given us instant mashed potatoes and instant messaging etc., but there is no instant weight loss.
    I'm 62 and lost weight at an average of a little over a pound a week, so it can be done. I logged what I ate honestly and wear an HRM when I exercise to that I know how many calories I burn. Burn more than you eat and you lose weight. :wink:
  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    I need help getting the weight off that is sticking mainly to midsection.
    I exercise, calorie restrict, weight lift, but cannot lose the 20 lbs I need to lose
    Anyone else going through this? anyone successful dropping weight after the age of 40-50??
    I'm getting discouraged!

    I'm 53 years old and need to lose 30 pounds that I gained in the last 2-3 years. Since I started menopause the hunger and cravings have been horrible and have caused me to put on the weight. I've always been a night time snacker and one night I ate 1000 calories within a two hour period. I was disgusted with myself! I feel like the only way I'm going to lose the weight is to eat only 1200 calories a day and burn all those calories through exercise. Of course, I'm not going to do that so I joined MFP to get the support, motivation and all information I need to do this the healthy way. I know how you feel because I'm counting my calories, exercising and the scale won't budge and I'm still the same size. I will send you a friend request and lets do the journey together.