c25k ?

Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So I am going to soon start the c25k program but it say to only run 3 days a week and I was wondering should you really do that or is it okay to run 5-6 days a week? And if you really should do only 3 days can I do a aerobics dvd on the other days. My day just doesn't go well with out my workout.

Hear is what I am doing right now I working out 6 days a week I do SL6 (for 5days) and have done for 3 weeks more so far of burn it up. And Saturday I do a yoga class. Which I will keep doing once I start running.

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  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    The whole point of C25k is to ease you into running. I just started doing it and I do other cardio 3x a week. So 3x a week running, 3x a week gym and dance for me. I still strength training as well. Once you "graduate" from C25K, you can run 5-6 times a week, but I would hold off on it for now. Otherwise, you might want to look into other training plans?!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I agree with allislefttogain.. It is best to gradually ease your body into running as to not cause any injuries...The program is GREAT, you will enjoy it!
  • pdxrunner
    pdxrunner Posts: 6 Member
    3 days is perfect for this program and will get you the best results and help to avoid unnecessary injuries from doing too much too soon. When I did the program I alternated my runs with spin classes or step aerobics that way my cardio fitness kept increasing and made the running that much better.

    Good luck with the program!!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Three days a week is how it should be done. It is to ease your body into running.

    After C25K you can ease into running more days if you like by only increasing your mileage for the week by 10% per week. So maybe run 2 miles, 1 miles, 3 miles, gym day, 3miles. Then work up. You don't want to push your body too hard when it is just getting into running. :smile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I would think 3 days a week to start is PLENTY to start. Your body needs the recovery time in between. And you need to allow a break on your shoes!

    I tried 4 runs a week (after running since May 09) a few weeks back and felt the difference in pain in my foot-once I went back to 3 days, I was good. Like Steph says keep it to 10% a week....if you choose to add a day - stick to that guide - meaning if your plan was to run 3 days, 15 miles - a 3, 5, and 7 mile run as example...maybe do 2, 3, 4, 6....just an example.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    3 days a week.

    Take a lesson from me. I thought I would progress faster if I ran 5-6 times a week. My knees started hurting and I pushed through the pain. Until I could hardly even walk. I had to stop running and walking for exercise for nearly 2 weeks before I started back. I stuck to 3x a week from then on out and finished C25K nearly a month ago.

    I also disagree with once you graduate, you can change to 5-6 days a week. You have to ease yourself into it. I'm currently nursing shin splints because I'm trying to transition from treadmill running to running outdoors on hilly paved trails. I ran 3 miles outside Saturday andMonday, and then walked several miles indoors on concrete Tuesday. Our bodies are finicky and we have to give them time to adjust. At least this time I remembered not to "push through the pain" so I'm sticking with low/no impact exercise until my shins are completley healed (and they're already much better because I recognized and treated the problem promptly). :tongue:

    A few of the lessons I learned during C25K:
    Don't try too much too soon.
    Don't ignore your body.
    Stretching is actually important.
    Endurance is 90% mental.
    Listen to the advice of people who have been there, done that. :laugh:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I'm going to take a bit of a step away from everyone else's advice (its fun to be devil's advocate! :devil:)

    The program says 3 days a week. However that's assuming you have never EVER run before. If you're already in decent shape, or have experience with cardio, your body may be able to handle more. If you go through the first week and feel like you can do more, then try to do more. I went through a lot of C25K running 4x a week, sometimes twice in one day. This was because I'd try a run in the morning, be unable to make it up a hill or something, and then try it again later that night and will myself through it just so I could know I could do it. It didn't kill me, I made it through the program just fine.

    The key to c25k is to make it work for you. You may not make it through in 9 weeks. Sometimes you have to repeat a week. If 3x a week doesn't seem to work you out enough, then try 4. Whatever you're comfortable with. No program can estimate exactly how your body feels.

    Feel it out and see how your body takes to running. A lot of runners end up running 4-6x a week once they're in full swing.

    Edit: ONE LAST IMPORTANT THING - suppose you make it through in 9 weeks - DO NOT GO FARTHER FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER 3 WEEKS. The reason is while your muscles have grown strong enough to support running, your bones, ligaments, and tendons are much slower to adjust. This lul between week 9/10 and week 12 is when a lot of new runners experience their first injury because they try to push too hard. Its best to hover for a few weeks and let your body finish adjusting.
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