Starting journey today!

Hi everyone! I'm starting to get serious about this being over weight thing!!! Will need LOTS of help and support! I'm NOT good at this thing!!! Want to make it happen this time!!!


  • I'm in the same boat you are! I've finally gotten to the point where I HAVE to make changes, and I'm going to stick with it, but I'm going to need lots of help along the way :smile:
  • vickster18
    vickster18 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm only a week ahead of you guys. I fell off the wagon a couple of years ago and gained back most of the 44 pounds I had previously lost. So here we go again. Trying to get back to what worked then with the addition of myfitnesspal. Always looking for new buddies so add me if you like :smile:
  • Good luck on your new journey! :smile: