Do you drink protein when/after working out?



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Nope...doesn't matter when you get your protein.......I just meet my macro's by eating protein during the day.

    Course it matters - just like it matters when you take in carbs and what exactly they are.

    So absurd it reads like sarcasm.

    Course it matters - if you were to eat a lot of fast release carbs earlier on in the day, then come weights time you would be in an energy lull and perform worse.

    Nutrient timing effects on training performance are going to vary from person to person.

    Agreed. It may also vary from day to day.

    I've been eating like absolute garbage lately and lifting very well.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Nope...doesn't matter when you get your protein.......I just meet my macro's by eating protein during the day.

    Course it matters - just like it matters when you take in carbs and what exactly they are.

    So absurd it reads like sarcasm.

    Course it matters - if you were to eat a lot of fast release carbs earlier on in the day, then come weights time you would be in an energy lull and perform worse.

    Nutrient timing effects on training performance are going to vary from person to person.

    Agreed. It may also vary from day to day.

    I've been eating like absolute garbage lately and lifting very well.

    Last night I clobbered some chips and french onion dip and went in today on my usual coffee+whey preworkout and I totally smoked a PR.

    Pop Tarts next week for sure.
  • Rusty675
    I tend to just have a shake after my workout out of convenience rather than all this meal timing crap. I'm usually pretty hungry by the time I get to the gym so once my workout is done I'm starving, the shake just stops my hunger for a few hours.

    As long as I meet my macros everyday, I don't care when I get my meals lol.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I usually have it while I'm lifting.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member

    Pre-workout for me is Emerge drink.

    Post (as I'm walking out the gym) is a protein bar. Protein within 30 minutes is key. Dwindling affect after 30 minutes until two hours post, then it's moot.

    NOOOO! This is not correct. There is no difference with eating protein 30 mins or 4 hours after your work out. If you disagree, please provide peer review studies to support your opinion. It is about meeting your macro's over a 24 hour period....period.

    wrong. Alan Aragon et all. Post workout protein does increase protein synthesis more than if you were to consume the same protein elsewhere in the day.

    Usually you would be correct in that daily macros are more important than timing. but timing pre and post workout does increase protein synthesis at a significant level. Especially when insulin levels are manipulated, naturally or externally.

    I'm a huge believer in the whole "anything goes as long as it fits your macros". but there are plenty of studies showing increased protein synthesis from post workout nutrition compared to eating at other times.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Nope...doesn't matter when you get your protein.......I just meet my macro's by eating protein during the day.

    Course it matters - just like it matters when you take in carbs and what exactly they are.

    So absurd it reads like sarcasm.

    Course it matters - if you were to eat a lot of fast release carbs earlier on in the day, then come weights time you would be in an energy lull and perform worse.

    Nutrient timing effects on training performance are going to vary from person to person.

    Agreed. It may also vary from day to day.

    I've been eating like absolute garbage lately and lifting very well.

    Last night I clobbered some chips and french onion dip and went in today on my usual coffee+whey preworkout and I totally smoked a PR.

    Pop Tarts next week for sure.

    There are hundreds of factors - how well you've been sleeping, what else you've been doing that may have fatigued (maybe without really noticing), stress or anything on your mind for that matter (which can also affect sleep etc) and plenty of other things. Nutrition is just one but to suggest that eating appropriate foods or taking appropriate supplements at appropriate times is irrelevant is, to quote the above comment, "So absurd it reads like sarcasm."
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    Pre-workout for me is Emerge drink.

    Post (as I'm walking out the gym) is a protein bar. Protein within 30 minutes is key. Dwindling affect after 30 minutes until two hours post, then it's moot.

    NOOOO! This is not correct. There is no difference with eating protein 30 mins or 4 hours after your work out. If you disagree, please provide peer review studies to support your opinion. It is about meeting your macro's over a 24 hour period....period.

    wrong. Alan Aragon et all. Post workout protein does increase protein synthesis more than if you were to consume the same protein elsewhere in the day.

    Usually you would be correct in that daily macros are more important than timing. but timing pre and post workout does increase protein synthesis at a significant level. Especially when insulin levels are manipulated, naturally or externally.

    I'm a huge believer in the whole "anything goes as long as it fits your macros". but there are plenty of studies showing increased protein synthesis from post workout nutrition compared to eating at other times.

    Are there studies showing a net difference in skeletal muscle over longer periods of time in athletes who are consuming a sufficient amount of protein to begin with?

    This isn't to say that I believe that there is "zero" difference, it's that the differences are very context dependent.
  • kr381806
    kr381806 Posts: 55 Member
    I have it afterwards....

    I do have a question though. Is it okay to use the whey protein on NON lifting days?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I have it afterwards....

    I do have a question though. Is it okay to use the whey protein on NON lifting days?

  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Nutrients from the food you eat before working out are still being released into your blood after you work out. Hell in some cases amino acids from meat you ate 2 days ago are still being released into your blood after you work out.