Healthy and strong over skinny!!!

Hey guys! Because there are so many new people here after new years, please keep in mind that it is not helpful and actually really harmful to encourage people who are not eating enough chronically. It is actually a form of an eating disorder in many cases. It's not just about so called "starvation mode", it's about just getting the necessary fuel to function daily. Healthy over skinny is the key, and under eating will impact every aspect of daily functioning. I surely don't think it is helpful to be cruel or confrontational, but helping to educate people about the dangers and to kindly provide some guidance is helpful. I know that lots of people don't want to listen, but many will and just don't know how dangerous it really is and that they are sabotaging their health. I hate to delete people who do this chronically, but I cannot in good conscience support it either. Hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend!!!


  • JudyAngelman
    JudyAngelman Posts: 58 Member
    I agree, I just got involved with MFP in the last 4 months even though it says I joined in May...slow learner in more ways then one.
    I had been on a "diet" for a year and had only been eating about 1250 calories and working out. Granted I lost weight but my brain got foggy, energy was low and I started a long plateau of no weight loss. I needed to find out what was going on so I started really digging into the information.

    I have read so much information both here on MFP and on other sites that I now get it. I wasn't eating enough for my BMR and my body was fighting back. I figured out my TDEE and backed down my calories from there. I also purchased a Fitbit for myself this Christmas and I love seeing how active I can be. I am into my first month of eating more to lose more and though my weight hasn't made a big drop I have lost some weight but most of all I am feeling so much better. I have a 20 year old son who is in college and he is interested in getting toned so I sat him down to show him the calculators and explained that he should never eat under his BMR and what he should do is eat his TDEE. I also told him that he needed to start back up with strength training and not just do cardio. I was concerned he would lower his calories and do more harm he needs his brain and body at full strength as he is taking 15 credits and lives in a dorm on campus. I have to say this kid is not overweight at all he is 5' 7" 144 lbs and wears jeans that have a 30" waist he just wants to get a six pack. Wish that was me.

    Do your own research and lose weight the smart way.