Doing everything "right" so why no results?



  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Also, I am now looking just at today and yesterday.
    Chocolate cereal, potato chips, reduced calorie bread (aka stripped of a lot of good things) reduced fat peanut butter (all the good fat taken out and replaced with sugar and bad things for taste), ice cream, chocolate, hot cocoa
    more chocolate cereal, fat free cheese and fat free dressing (again stripped of GOOD fats too), proccessed soup with TONS od sodium, more chocolate, pretzels, and only eating a tiny bit above your BMR.
    So basically you eat a lot of crap, just because you're under calorie (which in your case is bad, because you aren't giving your body enough calories) the calories you are eating aren't giving you proper nutrition, Diet foods are not good. fat free, reduced fat, that takes out the good fats of things and makes it more processed, just because something is low calorie (like the progresso soup) doesn't mean it's good for you, that has tons of sodium and will make you bloat a lot.
    Also you're not logging water, you should drink a lot of water especially if you are going to eat all that salt. And I'm like you, I have my sweets every day, but you're having almost 500 calories of sweets and snacks (more than that including your chocolate breakfast cereal), which is like 1/2 of your overall calories. You gotta put good fuel into yourself to get results. You lost weight before because the calorie deficit at the beginning is most important, but now that you're only 10 lbs away from your weight you want to be it's all about what you're eating not as much how many calories. You should eat way more protein too, MFP sets protein levels low already so you should be going over that macro probably if you want to maintain muscle.

    I would say pick and choose, you want your chocolate? have it for breakfast or dessert, and maybe 200 calories of it (ideally no more than 10% of your calories) and have the rest of your food be whole healthy foods. Full fat doesn't mean unhealthy, especially with things like peanut butter. You need more calories, and you need better calories.

    Also, the closer to a healthy weight you get the harder it is to lose weight because your body doesn't really need to lose it any more, it will resist it. So you won't be losing a lb a week or a lb every 2 weeks maybe even if that's what your goals are set to. However, because you really have a terrible diet right now (sorry) just by changing it to be healthier and actually eating MORE you will probably shock your body into losing that weight much faster.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Be patient. It will take more than 11 days to see better results.

    Oh and you definitely should eat more IMO netting under 1200 is not a good thing.
  • I know that you don't want to hear this: However your problem is that you're not eating enough Calories. As you begin to get lean it takes more fuel to fuel those strong muscles. As an example: most athletes consume 2 to 3 times the calories the average person does in a day. Slowly increase and you will begin to see some results. We all know the last 10 to 15 pounds are the hardest to loose.

  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I haven't looked at your diary, but I do want to say this quickly: One pound a week is fantastic weight loss. In fact, it's what MFP recommends you lose a week. If you try to lose more than that a week while being close to a healthy weight, you'll put that weight back on just as quickly as you lost it. Under-eating is not going to help you lose faster-- it's going to help you gain faster when you finally start eating normally. You can do this! Lose one pound at a time and it will add up!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    if you look under "my home" and then "goals" are you really set to lose more than 1 pound in 11 days? Like you, I wasn't overweight when I started trying to lose weight on here. I was 5'4" and 127 pounds or so. I'm pretty sure that 1200 calories only had me set to lose 0.6 pounds a week. Therefore, 1 pound in 11 days seems right on target to me.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    You mean you did this for 11 straight days and only lost a pound?

    Seriously though. Because of fluctuations of water weight you really should not watch the scale if its going to bother you so much. Give it more time. I haven't lost a pound in the past 23 days but weight loss is not linear. Some weeks ill lose 2-3 pounds. Some weeks nothing. As long as you have a calorie deficit it will come off eventually. You need more patience.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I ate way more than my allotted calories today; will go back to being more on track tomorrow. I am in this for the long haul and know results don't happen in a day or a week. I will try eating all my calories and all my exercise calories this week and see if that give me any progress. Thanks.

    Go back over your own diary and count portions and look at your macro splits, sorry but you are fooling yourself that you are doing everything right. I don't see all this fruit and veg, you should be having seven to nine full servings a day in the full rainbow of colours skewed towards veggies, I don't think you are even making five. There is an absolute ton of processed/ refined/ sugary/ junk food, that should be maximum 10% of daily calories.You are also missing out on dairy products, oily fish, protein, healthy fats, mineral and fibre rich foods.

    For example on Wednesday you had less than a fifth of the recommended fat and about half the recommended protein, yet you hit your carbs and every meal or snack was laced with sugar. FIVE different chocolate flavoured things in a single day plus fruit, sweetened yoghurt, sweetened cereal. Not sure if you normally have a massive sugar habit or that is because you are undereating and need the energy, but try to make your meals real wholefoods that look exactly like they come off the animal or plant and savoury only.

    ^^^This. I love chocolate too, but you might be overdoing it if you want to continue to lose weight. I would definitely start tracking sugar and sodium as well. I wholeheartedly believe in the saying "everything in moderation" but chocolate for breakfast and chocolate snacks throughout the day isn't moderate. You're also eating a lot of processed foods. Chips, crackers, cereal, canned soup - these should be occasional things, IMO. Find some recipes and make your own soup. Portion it out and freeze it if that helps as far as convenience. Good luck!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I haven't read any of the responses already so apologise if its already been said.
    1/ fruit is high sugar try cutting it out. Take a multi vitamin daily to make sure you still get your vit C.
    2/ walking can have quite limited results once you are used to it, its not intense enough. Especially if you have a sedentary job. You need to do something that really gets your heart rate up to 140+, for at least 30 minutes, 5 times a week.
    3/ how is your alcohol intake, if you are drinking cut it all out altogether for a month apart from reducing calories you will feel so together and focused and the extra energy you have you clan use for your workouts.
    4/ eat more protein and reduce carbs, don't care what anyone says eating a lot of carbs does not help weight loss.

    just some random ideas, hope it helps!