need some ideas......

I have been on MFP for a little while and have seen good results I've already lost 25 lbs, but school is in full swing and as noted below I won't have much time for exercise. I moniter what I eat and get some activity in during my lunch period. I don't want to gain any of the weight back and am still looking to lose another 28 lbs....I know I won't reach my goal of having it off by summer but that is okay.

Okay for those of you who don't know I am in my Master's studies for Mental Health Cousneling. I am in my internships and will be working 91 + hours a week. This is how it breaks down
Mo - up at 6 am home at 8 pm - cook dinner and pick up house
Tu - up at 6 am home at 5 pm - cook dinner and pick up house
We - up at 6 am home at 11:30 pm - go to bed
TH - up at 6 am home at 5 pm - cook, clean and school call from 8-10pm
FR - up at 6 am home at 11:30 pm - go to bed
SA - up at 6 am home at 11:30 pm - go to bed
SU - day off. Time for homework

that is about what my weeks will look like. if anyone has any ideas how to work more time in for some exercises I would be willing to listen. Oh. I am also trying to find the time to file for divorce seeing my wife no longer wants to be in a relationship....So I'm up for any ideas.

Thank you all in advance for any suggestions you may have.