advice on my food dairy !



  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    okay i understand but if i now up my calorie intake wont i gain weigh not loose?

    Some do initially, but much of it is water, and it will reverse itself. You may not gain. Some of it depends on how long you have been eating this low. But don't let that stop you. Because what you are doing now is unhealthy and even dangerous. No amount of weight loss is worth what you are doing now. Eat more.

    Also, if you are at a point where you really can't bring yourself to eat more, you need to get help now. Please.
  • brizforthewin
    okay i understand but if i now up my calorie intake wont i gain weigh not loose?

    Some do initially, but much of it is water, and it will reverse itself. You may not gain. Some of it depends on how long you have been eating this low. But don't let that stop you. Because what you are doing now is unhealthy and even dangerous. No amount of weight loss is worth what you are doing now. Eat more.

    Also, if you are at a point where you really can't bring yourself to eat more, you need to get help now. Please.

    oh my goodness stop telling me to get help. if you dont like my eating habits i understand that but continuously telling me to get help is nothing but annoying i got it the first 3 times thanks!
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    i cant complain, im also trying to keep my calories under the 500-600 range. i wont pick u apart. i had 700 calories yesterday and i wanted to puke when i realized how much i had. i have a ton to lose though and i wont get sick as fast as you will. be careful

    In all honesty, this in NOT normal, and you need to speak to a professional. You will be much better off if you do. You need to feed your body. It is the only one you have, even if you are not happy with it right now. I think logging may actually be bad for you right now. Please eat. Food is not the enemy.
    For those eating under 1000-1200 calories, you are only going to hurt yourself in the long run. You are eating under what your body needs to stay in a coma. this is VERY unhealthy. Please get help!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Please see a physician and show them your diary, you already look to be well under a safe BMI.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    oh my goodness stop telling me to get help. if you dont like my eating habits i understand that but continuously telling me to get help is nothing but annoying i got it the first 3 times thanks!

    You have an obviously obvious problem with food. If you can't fix it yourself, then you need to seek help. You posted the topic, asked people to look into your diary, and now you're getting defensive?

    It doesn't work like that. We are here trying to help a 20 year old that has a very serious problem with her intake. You don't have to listen, but don't complain when we give you a response that you don't want.
  • brizforthewin
    i have no problem taking advice people give me , also my bmi is within the health range its 21 . Its just rude when people just post go see a doctor and dont offer any more advice. I'd like to educate myself on what im doing wrong and work to make things better for a more successful me. sorry if i'm getting snippy but you have to understand how this is frustrating for me
  • murphette2
    murphette2 Posts: 75 Member
    Besides being too low in calories your menu is snack foods only. Try adding some real meal foods in there like soups, salads, sandwiches, cereal, yogurt, fruits, and veggies if you don't cook.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    okay i understand but if i now up my calorie intake wont i gain weigh not loose?

    Some do initially, but much of it is water, and it will reverse itself. You may not gain. Some of it depends on how long you have been eating this low. But don't let that stop you. Because what you are doing now is unhealthy and even dangerous. No amount of weight loss is worth what you are doing now. Eat more.

    Also, if you are at a point where you really can't bring yourself to eat more, you need to get help now. Please.

    oh my goodness stop telling me to get help. if you dont like my eating habits i understand that but continuously telling me to get help is nothing but annoying i got it the first 3 times thanks!

    If you were my daughter, I would want others telling her to get help. As often as it took. People might stop telling you this if you even acted like we were remotely getting through to you. But I don't think we are. And it is very sad. Because you are already beautiful and you don't need to do this. Not this way.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    eating as little as you are is incredibly unhealthy. When you signed up for MFP, didn't it give you a nice goal number of calories to eat?

    You obviously aren't eating anywhere remotely close to that. Be frustrated if you want, but if you don't eat more.. you're going to wind up talking to a doctor either by your own choice or after waking up in a hospital bed.

    You choose.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    i have no problem taking advice people give me , also my bmi is within the health range its 21 . Its just rude when people just post go see a doctor and dont offer any more advice. I'd like to educate myself on what im doing wrong and work to make things better for a more successful me. sorry if i'm getting snippy but you have to understand how this is frustrating for me

    OK, here is a link. Read it and educate yourself on BMR and TDEE and come up with a reasonable target for calories. Or, follow MFP guidelines and NET at least 1200 calories. That means you eat 1200, and any exercise calories. Just eating 1200 would be a great start. From there you can add slowly.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    i have no problem taking advice people give me , also my bmi is within the health range its 21 . Its just rude when people just post go see a doctor and dont offer any more advice. I'd like to educate myself on what im doing wrong and work to make things better for a more successful me. sorry if i'm getting snippy but you have to understand how this is frustrating for me

    OK, here is a link. Read it and educate yourself on BMR and TDEE and come up with a reasonable target for calories. Or, follow MFP guidelines and NET at least 1200 calories. That means you eat 1200, and any exercise calories. Just eating 1200 would be a great start. From there you can add slowly.

    And the reason people aren't giving you more advice is because your diary is really that scary.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't know how long, exactly, you've been eating like this..but I would go see your physician just in case. Long term eating like this is very harmful to you.

    Aside from that...

    If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan -

    It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.

    Or for a different version to figure out your TDEE, as well as some great advice...check out:

    Also, if you are worried about the calorie intake, I also suggest you read this thread that has numerous people who met their goals and are maintaining. Some for years and they also provide their calorie intake and how often they work out.

    For more information about fitness and nutrition, I highly suggest checking out and joining this group:

    Read all the stickies. It's great information to know.

    For the whole eating under a 1000 calories, are going to do what you want but check out the link below at some of the stories of people who thought it was okay (especially because they weren't "feeling" hungry a lot of times) but ended up regretting it. These links are just information to give you options. I'm not preaching or trying to tell you or anyone what is the "right way"...just throwing some info your way is all.

    And even if the # seems high and you feel that you can't eat all that food - just remember there are foods (healthy foods) that are higher in calories that will help you meet your goal. You can add protein shakes (I use Optimum Nutrition brand and I do it to help me meet my protein macros), olive or avocado oil, pastas, rice, peanut butter, etc.
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    i cant believe this is even real, either youre not logging everything or you have got a serious problem. I went back in your diary as far as November 3rd, and the highest amount of calories you ate in one day from nov 3rd til now, is 900. please tell me where mfp told you to eat LESS than the calories it gave you, and PLEASE tell me what you have been thinking eating so low? i wanna hear your thoughts behind this, THEN maybe we could help you.

    I realize after eating this low for so long it will be hard for you to eat more all of a sudden, so try upping your calorie intake in increments, like up it 100 cals everyday, until you reach 1200-1500, <<<< i have been eating 1200-1500 for 172 days now, and not tryin to sound conceited but i look fabulous... if you keep this up, all you'll have is skinny fat, and thats gross no offense. OR you will go into cardiac arrest,

    so tell me, what is your GOAL ? to look awesome and feel/be healthy? or to look sick, and feel/be unhealthy?
  • jenndymond
    jenndymond Posts: 117 Member
    I can tell you what everyone else says but as you replyed its not useful and you would like to educate yourself.

    Here is an artical on what happens when you dont have enough calories.

    Also looking through your diary im noticing you seving sizes are quit small. Forinstance one days you had 1/8 a cup of blackberries. Thats about one maybe 2 berries? Or wendy's chicken breast only said 2oz. An average wendy's chicken breast is at least 5. I would look that you are recording your food sizes properly.

    As you are quit small from what I judge deom your picture you might want to consider lifting and strength training as that is a better way to tone your body but you would need many many more calories and even more protien to manage that.

    If I look that your serving sizes are larger you eat fruit and veggies and coffee. Id add more meat or protien bases foods. And calicum/ dairy
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    i have no problem taking advice people give me , also my bmi is within the health range its 21 . Its just rude when people just post go see a doctor and dont offer any more advice. I'd like to educate myself on what im doing wrong and work to make things better for a more successful me. sorry if i'm getting snippy but you have to understand how this is frustrating for me

    A medical professional would be the best place to even get advice. You would be educating yourself and taking your health into your own hands.

    To put it bluntly, you are harming yourself by eating so little. The body needs calories to SURVIVE! Most people will burn over 1200 calories even if they just laid around in bed. Their normal bodily functions burn at least that mush daily. So, by eating so few calories, you are not giving your body the energy needed to keep your heart beating, digest food, or let your kidneys work. As such, you could cause serious damage to multiple bodily systems that could be long term... or even fatal if you are that unlucky.
  • ReddRidingHood
    ReddRidingHood Posts: 13 Member
    Stop worrying about what the scale says. By your picture you've already got a great shape to work with. I would suggest measurements instead. As far as eating goes you can still get decent food at Starbucks if that's a place you frequent pretty often (and by your diary, you do ;) There is a turkey bacon and egg white breakfast sandwich that is good and good for you. You are just consuming a lot of empty calories by drinking your meals. I would suggest you aim for 1400-1500 calories a day and add cardio for exercise. You mainly want to tone up, not lose weight. I watched an episode of America's next Top Model where some of the girls couldn't put their back against a wall, slide down to a squat, and come back up. Skinny does not mean fit.
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member


    Both of these people in the photos have the same body fat percentage.

    Do you just want to get "skinny", or do you want to get in "shape"...the number on the scale can only take you so far, you should incorporate weight lifting into your exercise routine.

    Your metabolism is based off your body mass, the more healthy body mass you have (muscle) the higher your metabolism will be. Eating about 500 calories a day will force your body to not only eat away fat but muscle too...and if you continue with that kind of lifestyle, your body will start deteriorating other types of muscle, such as your heart! That's how some people can end up with a heart attack and die, even though they are "thin". That is why 500 every single day is not healthy....what I would do is eat 1200 calories a day, then have 2 days a week where you eat 500 a day...its a program called Eat Stop Eat. It incorporates fasting + low calorie days and high calorie days.....but you can't eat 500 every day because over time, it can lead to your death of course.

    My advice, eat nutrient dense foods at least 1200 a day (and 500 calorie days twice a week) and incorporate weight lifting to get you the shape that you want. Sexy curves. :)

    I recommend the book Eat Stop Eat, or you could watch alot of the author's youtube videos (brand pilon) which he explains how alot of stuff works on there.
  • healthyskinnystrong
    okay i understand but if i now up my calorie intake wont i gain weigh not loose?
    At first, yes you might gain weight, but that's because your metabolism has probably lowered due to the low calorie intake. If you slowly up your calories your metabolism will hopefully go up with it and then you'll start to lose weight with a higher calorie intake c: x
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    agreed, you may gain a bit FIRST, but isn't the ultimate goal to find a way for you to get down to xxx lb and then be able to maintain than?

    what you are doing now is not the way there... take it slower, it will be a lot more steady, much more reliable for you (in a "night out won't spoil anything" way), and that will definitely work. just don't expect immediate changes. give yourself time until summer - this is not a contest.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    More protein. More real food. Less sugar and make sure you're getting the right entries when you log (highly doubt your DD coffee this morning had 9g of protein in it)