Questing on logging running

My current running (jogging) speed is only 4.0 mph and the slowest the app has is 5.0 mph. If you were me, how would you log this? I don't have a heart rate monitor that will tell me the calories burned.


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I would see how many calories MFP gives you for walking 4.0 and then see how many calories it gives you for running 5.0 and then add a new activity for yourself and split the difference between those two amounts. You'll burn more jogging 4.0 than walking it, and less than running 5.0. I think that will give you a pretty good estimation.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    I am like you. I do 3 miles in 50 minutes so I do the 5 mph one but I type in less time so that it only reads 167 calories.