Ladies..what do you look for in a man?

twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
Do you want big, strong, do you want tender, caring, do you want flowers, chocolates, do you want someone to be there? Do you want slim/muscular?

Do you want sex/passion do you want money/clothes do you want just a good regular guy?


What makes a good guy for you??


  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Big, not too thin, much rather a bit too heavy than that, tall, manly, not too pretty, funny, kind, a decent brain, humour, articulate, a great voice, a similar sexual appetite and taste to me, a good looking face with a great smile that melts my heart and nice eyes, a good heart and a nice big ummmmmm you of those men things....

    I have one of these men of which you speak. Thanks for asking though. It's not about what he looks like, its about who he is, how he makes me feel, how when he speaks to me in that special way it melts my chocolate, how he makes me feel like the most important person in the world, how a phone call from him can make my day, how a text or message still makes my heart flip, its that, it actually doesn't matter what he looks like, although I do fancy the pants off him, its more about this other stuff. How he looks at me, how he holds me, how he watches me from across the room, all that

    oh and passion...lots of passion.....lots
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Money has nothing to do with it.
    Physical appearance has nothing to do with it.

    I want (and have!) a man who makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world.

    I look at how he sees and interacts with other people - which tells me he's fair, truthful, and cares about other people.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    Kind, slow to anger, but passionate and with a passion for living
    Someone who is interested in a diversity of things and likes learning
    A lover of the outdoors and nature
    Faithful and honest

    Flowers/chocolates/money/clothes/trinkets are totally unimportant, but he should be responsible and have goals

    I do like tall men, but otherwise looks are unimportant :) Lucky for me, my boyfriend meets almost all of these qualities!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Oh yeah I forgot to add the funny/boring thing.

    I think all ladies like a funny guy with a sense of humor.

    I agree passion is a big thing
  • vblair77
    vblair77 Posts: 180 Member
    Compassion, adoration, great listener, attentive are all far more important than looks or money in my book.
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    God loving and God fearing guy, who's life shows that he lives it out every day. Got to have integrity and his priorities straight in life, respect elders and authorities. If a man has got that, everything else get's added automatically.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    considerate, genuine, fun, and someone who can be himself , and of course handsome :bigsmile: my BF is all those things :heart:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I look to see what direction he's walkin, then I go the other way :bigsmile:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Oh! I have just thought of something else..a guy that can clean and do laundry/housework :laugh:
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I don't care about money; I do well enough on my own. A sense of humor is essential though. And I like FUN people. Death to boring people!!! And being kind is very important, because I'm not and nature likes balance. Just kidding.

    As for looks - I like a guy who looks like he takes care of himself and cares about his health. And looks like he has stamina ;-)

    And must love the outdoors and dogs. If you don't like dogs, you suck.
  • Lucia120382
    Always is good to have someone around who is truly supporting you, loving you, sharing things with you, no judging you. There has to be sparkle all the time and want to feel special. Humor is very important, know to talk between each others. Inside beauty is very important cos even the best looking guys can turn out to be the biggest jerks.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    when I tried out years ago it seemed some women wanted a guy that didin't exist here on Earth.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I look to see what direction he's walkin, then I go the other way :bigsmile:
    Aww that is sad you must have something that you want to see from another significant half :sad:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    when I tried out years ago it seemed some women wanted a guy that didin't exist here on Earth.

    Rofl! I met my hubby on a dating website and went on to chat on an online forum and we have been married nearly 11 years...there is always a woman or a man that will be the one for you x

    But I understand that some people have expectations that are off the scale lol!
  • CloverCreeper
    CloverCreeper Posts: 178 Member

    Or so I've been told. (:
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    Brains! be a good handyman,...strong wrk ethic,...luvs God and fam,honest.,passionate.(I'm married -just saying):smile:
  • veggieshark
    veggieshark Posts: 153 Member
    Playful, childish, funny, affectionate, ironic, energetic yet also lazy, idealistic, caring.
    I like guys who play games and appreciate art and reading.
    I like guys who are into Homestuck, Harry Potter, and Sherlock.
    I like guys who make cute animal noises and like tickle fights and night walks.
    I love adventure partners.
    I love competitive intellectual types with strong opinions who like to debate, but always fairly.
    I seem to be attracted to sore losers who act like babies.
    Cuddling is just a must.

    As far as looks go, I prefer the soft-muscle type. The broad shoulders and clearly strong, but soft all over. I like a bit of a tummy, too. Tummies are my favourite part of the male anatomy and I love kissing, rubbing, and just generally touching them. I'm super attracted to Asians and guys in glasses. Facial hair is often nice.
    As for height, I like them to be a half inch shorter than me, just so I have gloating rights and permanent ammo like I do with all of my boyfriends now and past. That or I like them giant like bears.

    Sexually I guess I want them like me. Passionate, affectionate, and silly, yet with an effective on/off switch for their hornyness. I can switch from horny to purely cuddly in only a moment.
  • craftybirdy
    I know everyone says good sense of humor, but for me - I just want someone with a similar sense of humor to mine, he doesn't have to be a stand up comedian.
    Taller than me (i'm 5'5")
    Kind to others
    Nice Smile
    Smarter than me in some stuff, but not everything
    Supportive of my choices (working out/food)
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Sharp, literate, curious and open to new experiences. Passionate, kind, mannered and MATURE. Looks are unimportant, but chemistry is everything.
  • bandedsandi
    bandedsandi Posts: 122 Member
    God loving and God fearing guy, who's life shows that he lives it out every day. Got to have integrity and his priorities straight in life, respect elders and authorities. If a man has got that, everything else get's added automatically.


    And adore me like I would him!