Losing the last 5 to 10 pounds while breastfeeding

eliblish Posts: 124 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone out there been able to do it?? I am 5'5" 123 pounds so my weight is fine but i've got about 5 pounds of fat that I want to get rid of badly!!! I've been exercising 6 days a week and eating good and nothing has happened! The scale won't budge and my clothes still fit the same. The only difference is i've lost 1 inch on 1 thigh and 1/2 inch on the other. That's it!! I know people say that the body hangs on to that extra 5 pounds until you finish nursing but I wondered if anyone has had any luck getting rid of it while still nursing. I was eating around 2200 calories a day but have recently changed it so I only eat 1900. I add 500 calories a day because my 9 month old daughter is ebf with little other nutrition. She nurses at least 12 times a day. Am I getting too many calories? not enough? Any advice would be appreciated!


  • I was never able to lose that last 5 until I finished nursing. I don't recommend you cut back on the calories too muchif you want to keep your milk supply up. Remember you are probably hanging onto some reserve fluids. Keep your water intake up and keep working out. You may see yourself down another pound doing that. But don't risk losing a good thing! :)
  • Oh what does ebf stand for? She should be getting more solids by 9 months?? Baby cereal, finger foods...
  • brocflores
    brocflores Posts: 111
    Sounds like your doing great. Congrats on ebf I work for WIC and I used to be the bf peer counselor! Being that you are ebf yes you do need those extra calories but with the working out that is great as well. Keep in mind just bf alone will help you burn extra calories. Five lbs away is really good don't get discouraged. Maybe you've just hit a plateau. Try mixing up your workouts and change up your food alittle sometimes that alone can help if your doing the same work out everyday. Keep up the good work!!
  • brocflores
    brocflores Posts: 111
    EBF stands for Exclusively Breast Feeding!!
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    I drink a ton of water. Usually 9-12 glasses a day. I haven't noticed a drop in milk supply when I drop my calories or anything.
    ebf stands for exclusively breastfed. She has had problems digesting food so that's why I have just now started her on solids. But she is mostly breastfeeding. Thanks!
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    Sounds like your doing great. Congrats on ebf I work for WIC and I used to be the bf peer counselor! Being that you are ebf yes you do need those extra calories but with the working out that is great as well. Keep in mind just bf alone will help you burn extra calories. Five lbs away is really good don't get discouraged. Maybe you've just hit a plateau. Try mixing up your workouts and change up your food alittle sometimes that alone can help if your doing the same work out everyday. Keep up the good work!!

    I'm just not a very patient person! lol It's been a month already. I'm supposed to look like a supermodel already! :)
  • brocflores
    brocflores Posts: 111
    Don't worry by the time you know it you will have reached your goal. If anything I've learned recently is to be patient! You look great I wouldn't worry to much.
  • Considering you have lost size, I would say you are doing great and getting toned! Keep up the great work!! BF is sooo good for babies! I wish I could have gone longer on my 3rd and last baby, but sadly she was lactose intollerant and couldn't even handle my milk!! Had I been less chicken I should have pumped, treated with Lactaid and then fed her the milk. But I switched to Lactose free formula. Oh well. she's doing great now that she's 19 months and healthy and BUSY!!

    Good luck and keep working out!

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