
This is my first day that i finish:smile: : ,but still haven;t got to exercise yet , I still trying to figure this out. After i work all day i am just drain of being on my feet all day . where and how can i get with it . Crying for energy


  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I feel like that now. Not only was it a bust stressful work day, but i pulled a 12 hour shift at work last night without a dinner break. Its been a looong week, and i am tired from head to toe.

    Going to do it anyway. I find after 15 minutes into the routine , once I start to get sweaty, it really is energizing.
    I do not want to now, but I know I will be glad I did. It's one of those "just do it!" things. I can, I will.

    Good luck!!
  • dengland2332
    Thank you , For taking tje time to write back . I will get started just to know someone does care
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Thank you , For taking tje time to write back . I will get started just to know someone does care

    Sweet , we will do it together! Lets go! :happy: