Would you call this a plateau? Am I sedentary? Advice?

mvallandigham Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I have some questions and I am hoping that somebody out there might have some advice.

About three years ago I didn't own a scale and when I signed up for a gym membership I was shocked to find out that I weighed 256lbs. I immediately started using a different online calorie counter program and lost 45 lbs over the course of a little less than a year.

I managed to keep the weight off for two years now, maybe gaining and losing ten pounds here and there, but basically went back to most of my evil ways. I could eat whatever I wanted, be lazy, quit the gym, etc., and basically stay at my 211 lbs.

This past month I decided that it's time to get my fanny back to work towards my goal weight of 150lbs. (Back to a healthy BMI.) I went back to my old calorie counter program, but it had changed and updated 'till it was beyond recognition, so I found this one and really love it more than I ever even liked the other one. That being said, I have tracked every single crumb since Feb 18th. I started walking the dog 20 minutes twice a day. I stayed under my calorie goal every day until the past three days (and then always under 1600 calories.)

I was so excited to weigh myself this morning and guess what the scale said?....211lbs. Same as ever.

Is this sticky spot called a plateau? Even if it's lasted two years? What can I do to break it? Maybe I should have said my lifestyle is sedentary? But I don't have a desk job and I spend at least half my workdays on my feet helping the disabled community shop for groceries, walk at the park, bowl, play mini-golf, do their banking, etc. Does that count as mildly active, or am I being too generous?



  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    It was hard of me to get out of the 200's . You just got to plug away. I think one year I only lost 14 pounds. Then since Christmas I lost 20,,,,just kee p going and u will get there.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Not sure of any advice I could give, but I too, have questions as to what I should say my lifestyle is. I just can't seem to decide between sedentary or lightly active or what? I mean, I don't sit all day long...I am up doing light chores around the house, always walking around the house or moving junk around the house, but I will sit for half an hour and watch a TV show or something. Is that sedentary?

    I'm with you. Can someone clear up the descriptions for us or at least guide us to a post that will explain it better?

    Also, hang in there. I'm sure there are a lot of folks here that have some great advice for you. I think there are a couple of certified nutritionists and trainers on here that can help you out of your slump!
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    I feel for you I have been stuck for almost 4 weeks now. I know when I started in August it was about 3 weeks before I saw a drop in weight ( I had my cals set at 1200 which was to little) I think you would on this site call what you do during the day sedentary. I am a stay at home mom and I am up moving all the time but I guess I am considered sedentary too:grumble: some sites would call it mildly active (but there is not that inbetween here) Play with your calories a bit ( you want to keep them close to your BMR (you can check that number in the tools section on your page). Make sure you drink enough water and watch the sodium. Dont give up keep playing with the numbers and you will get there. :flowerforyou:
  • mlv333
    mlv333 Posts: 86 Member
    I think you should focus more on your metabolism. If you are eating a low cal diet and exercising including cardio and strength training, and you are not losing weight; then you need to find other ways to jump start your thyroid gland. Eating 6 small meals a day instead of 3. Separating your exercises to twice a day. All time consuming stuff. But once your metabolism increases, hopefully it'll keep on running with less work. Also, it's only been about 3 weeks, right? Have you checked your measurements? I've been doing this since January. I'm only down 4lbs, but I'm down 2 jean sizes. I'm ecstatic.
  • Manikchia
    Manikchia Posts: 5 Member
    That's great that you're staying under your calories! But are you also paying attention to the nutrients you are getting (carbs, fat, protein, salt, etc.)? There's a tally at the bottom of your food log. I noticed more weight loss when I really paid attention to salt and sugar. Maybe also try the oxidizer test and see if you're eating the right types of foods to best nourish your body and maximize weight loss. I have had the same plateau problem in the past, but I changed the ratio of carbs/fat/protein that comes "recommended" on the site preferences and am doing much better now (9lb in 6 weeks)!! I hope it helps you too. :smile:

  • Thanks everybody!
    I haven't been paying close attention to my sodium/fat/protein/carb ratios much, or really my meal times. I will focus on getting that all balanced out over the next couple weeks and let y'all know if that helps.
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