Post baby trying to lose weight

Hi everyone! My name is Dianna. I just had a baby 4 months ago and am ready to try to lose the weight from her as well as the weight from my first one over seven years ago. Add to that I'd like to lose the weight I gained while dating my husband from nine years ago! HAHA! Anyways, I've got about 50 pounds I'd like to lose to get down to my ideal weight. I have been reading through some of the success stories so that I can add to my motivation. I haven't any friends on here yet so feel free to add me! I definitely would love the support of others! Thanks!


  • futrformrfatty
    futrformrfatty Posts: 38 Member
    Hey, this is actually my first post. I just joined tonight! My name is Sarah and i'm a mom of a 4 year old and 7 month old and I'm ready to shed the baby weight as well. I didn't gain much from my last pregnancy, but was still holding on to wait from the first one four years ago! Anyway, i'm looking to lose about 50 lbs or so and if you want to be support buddies on here, that would be great!
  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    Now that my baby is in kindergarten, I am finally getting around to losing my baby weight. I have lost nearly all 50 pound of that, and am 10 pounds away from my honeymoon weight. It feels great to feel like me again! It can be hard with littles, so get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water and take time for you! Good luck!!!!
  • gabi_texanmom
    gabi_texanmom Posts: 201 Member
    hi dianna! i have a 9mo old baby girl. i gained 30lbs during the pregnancy; i breastfed and lost 20lbs easily. then i slowly gained back 15lbs!!! what the heck! i still look preggo...its depressing. so i need to drop this baby weight plus the 20lbs i gained trying to conceive her through hormone treatments and surgeries. we should let our inner-milfs come out! LOL we can do this.