How to pick a good weightloss goal....

Hi. I turn 36 next week. I'm 5 feet tall, a mom of 3 kids, one of which is only 7 months old. I was 125 post baby and have since lost 12.5 lbs using the myfitnesspal app on my phone. I am currently 112.5 and continue to eat the 1200 cals recommended to me but for the last few weeks, my weight has stood still. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could increase the chances of attaining my goal of 105 and how do i know if this goal is right for me?


  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Personally, I think "weightloss" is a dumb goal. *FATLOSS*/muscle gain is where it's at.

    Fat is lighter than muscle but bulkier. So you can be a puffy 115 or a smoking hot 125.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    +1 on the fat loss > weight loss.

    I personally would pick a more tangible goal such as a clothing size or something like that. I don't trust weight goals at all. Right now, I weigh more than I did last year at this time, but I am wearing smaller clothes and have less total body fat. Last year I weighed around 135 pounds, right now I am at 141. But last year I was wearing size 8 and this year I am in size 6. If I was going for a goal "weight" I'd have given up already, lol. :wink:
  • Thankyou for the info. That does make alot of sense. Maybe I'll base it on how this particular pair of jeans fits since they are always tight.
  • VaporeonSugar
    VaporeonSugar Posts: 117 Member
    Either way, what they said is a good FINAL goal. You should really try to at least aim for the top of your BMI for your height.