Change your thinking about food, and you will change.

Hi everyone. I've been a fatty most of my life, always carrying around 180 pounds too much at anyone time. I've lost massive amounts of weight too, 4 times actually. But I've never successfully kept it off, as its all gone back on, and more each time. So this time when i started 18 months ago I knew I had to do it differently to the way I've always done it. But because it never worked before. I focused more on my way of thinking about food. I knew i had to be consistent, and never falter even when i didn't get results..... and to address my exercise (or the lack of it). But i had to do something that i could enjoy, and maintain. Nothing I would give up on, like everything else I've done in my life.

My 18 month journey has been up and down, but i have lost over 182 pounds (again), with 7-10 pounds still to lose (which is taking me the longest to lose than the above). But I will stick at it, and sometime this year i will hit my target, it would be nice to achieve it for my birthday in April.

My one biggest fear is gaining ALL the weight again, like i have done in the past. But this time I'm more aware, and concerned about keeping my health, and not to spoil all of my efforts, by stuffing my face anymore. I'm happy to share any tips to help anyone achieve what I've done, and if i can do it, anyone can do it.


  • juliedor
    juliedor Posts: 72 Member
    I was give this hint once which I really liked.
    Once you are down to the weight you want to be,pick a weight a bit above that and promise yourself if you get to that ever,you will immediately address the situation.Weigh yourself same day every week to keep yourself honest.That way the weight doesn't "creep up" on you.
  • bunjijk
    bunjijk Posts: 44
    Get rid of ALL of the clothes that are too big. Don't save any of it. That way when things start getting a little snug, you'll cut back and get back into routine. I am too cheap/poor to go out and buy larger clothes whenever I eat too many cookies! Getting rid of my larger comfort zone clothes has helped me.