Uni research - looking for people who are starting exercise


I'm a postgraduate research student at Keele University, looking at exercise adherence and motivation. I've just launched a study and need to find people new to exercise or who have had a break from exercise to take part. I've been using MFP a while and thought perhaps other members would be interested in helping out.

The study is all done over the net through short surveys and emails and isn't time-consuming. You'll be asked to take a few measurements, and once every few weeks, you'll need to fill in an online survey to let me know what exercise you've been doing. Some people will be asked to carry out additional tasks to see if these help them stick to their exercise plans - nothing difficult, and you can pull out of the study at any time (it runs for a year). It's been shown that taking part in research can help adherence, so there should be some benefit from taking part.

The information sheet is at http://www.tunesandtreadmills.co.uk/startinganexerciseprogramme.html, which gives full details. You can sign up for the study at http://www.tinyurl.com/new-exercise-programme. The study has been approved by the University Ethics Committee.

Thanks for your help.