been here a while

Hi been usings this app for a while now but i stop and start not really gone on the message boards before so My Name is Michaela im 42 and need to lose weight like alot of people i think my life has been a diet and then i give up and eat what i want in which i put the weight back on plus more then i got back on a diet tell myself im healthy eating i know what i should be doing to lose weight it works then it will stop i stay same weight mabe up 2lbs then down 2 lbs that when i give up i have had a personal trainer which i got fit but couldn't afford this long term i now going back to the gym twice a week doing half an hour with a friend that does help. i have been to my doctors they put me on a course helped a little but not enough i know i have to put the work in to lose the weight i dont want to be skinny but i dont want to be fat everything comes down to my weight im very fed up with this cycle of my life but how do i get off it if i leave it i get fatter and fatter.. i think this has turned into a rant dont think im feeling very positve today


  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    welcome back! i went thru the same thing, i started it and then stopped after a few months even tho it was working for me. i have struggled with my weight my entire life and we all need support. glad to have you here and will do my best to help support and motivate :)
  • kay_wa
    kay_wa Posts: 4 Member
    thank you hope i can do the same for you and others. think is me being honest about how im feeling and not sugar coating it with im going to be positive all the time :)
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hey I'm 43 and like you used this app for a year before I understood what the forums were and made friends. I too go to a trainer twice a week and did that for a year til I finally stopped BS-ing myself that my trainer was going to magically get it off me lol! One day I realised enough was enough and I was wasting money on junk food and trainer...gave myself a year to treat it like a job to get healthier (not worry about weight just nutrition).. But I knew weightloss would be a lovely bonus.. I then started to walk every other day I wasn't training and found a way to do it rather than an excuse to not! I was queen if excuses.

    So I put my head down, tail up and made everyday mean something towards better health, sometimes this meant something simple like researching...I read and read everything I could find in library about nutrition. Sometimes I just cleaned out the pantry cos organization is now my best friend to stay on track. I cleared the house of all junk initially till I could control myself around it. Some days it was so easy and other days I have to really make the effort. I'm not perfect but I'm 86lbs lighter now with 20+ to go. Still motivated, still enjoying it..every obstacle is now just a challenge.

    Little by little, make changes...then one day you look up and you're there!