Can someone suggest an exercise plan for me?

Hi. I have lost 12.5 lbs using the myfitnesspal app on my iphone. I just recently signed up to the website looking for some help and support. I'm 5 feet tall so my goal was 105, but I'm thrilled to be 112.5 and don't want to lower my calorie intake any lower than I'm already eating, which is 1200. I'm exercising about 4-5 x a week doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 20 minute workout. I think I need to be doing more, but not sure where to start. I have 3 kids, one being 7 months old, so I am looking for a dvd or something I could do at home. Any suggestions on a great dvd or some other exercises i could do from home with an exercise mat and some weights??


  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    First off, congrats and great job. Sounds like you are already doing so well.

    Do you have Netflix? They have lots of weight loss videos there - yoga, pilates, aerobics, etc... You can try a little of everything without having to buy a DVD. Or if you have a Roku, they have some free fitness channels with workout routines as well. And there are even some free smartphone apps with workout routines. (I used to do the apps to help you increase the number of situps and pushups you can do.)
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    A friend just mentioned that Netflix also has yoga videos you can do with your kids. Might be a good thing if your kids are always wanting your attention when you are trying to work out.
  • Sunlight2013
    Thank you for all the ideas!!! I will look into Netflix....what is Roku?