I'm doing it for me!

Hello everyone :)

My names Kelly, I am 23 years old and live in the North West (UK).

After 4 years I've finally got my head of my bottom and realised that I'm not going to lose any weight if I don't put any effort into it. I've previously tried all kinds of weight loss programes from; weight loss tablets, weight watchers and slimming world (which did help me lose 2st/28lb) however I have never stuck to any of them for one reason or another. Then a friend mentioned MFP and told me to give it a try, which is one of the reasons why I am here :) and I'm hoping that I can speak to some new people who will be able to give my that push and inspiration.

I have many reasons as to why I need to lose weight, one of the main reasons is that I need to fit into a lovely white wedding dress next year. In order to do that I need to lose about 70lb - Eek! :-/ with still plenty more to go after that aswell.

I've never been slim and always been refered to as the 'fat kid' when growing up, so now the time to beat the bulge and show everyone!


  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    YAY!! The only person you should be doing this for is you!! That is awesome. You are soo totally worth it. Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Sent you a friend request! Welcome to MFP. You have taken the first step to a healthier and fitter you! You can do this!
  • Awesome.. Congrats and good luck
  • I have just joined so fingers crossed, good luck to everyone and lets support each other. Little steps as they say :wink: xx
  • Thank you very much everyone :)

    This time feels different ... this time I 'WANT' it.

    I know I need to lose weight for health reasons which is my major issue, after all being 23 and having problems with my back and hips is not good! I know the transformation is not going to happen over night and a lot of hard work must be put into this but every time I will step on them scales I'll remember that it leads me to a beautiful dress and a happier and confident me :)

    I can't wait till the day I can slip on a pair of shorts or a nice skirt and not be embarrased about my legs/knees, nor can I wait to be able wear a top that shows my arms .... I'm fed up of dressing up like it's winter all year round!

    I'm sure the support I will get from this site will make it a more happier and fun process.
