Funny things yur kids say or do!!!??

TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
My 6 yr. old boy has started imitating t.v./movie voices!! And can do Sid the Sloth!! sooo funny!!
What things crack you up about yur kids??

My 6yr .old also use to say (when he was a baby),when we'd ask if he was "stinky" in his diaper,...he'd say "I not TINTY!!", this day we playfully call him Tinty!(btw he potty trained himself at a year and four months old!!!) So, proud of our Tinty!!:laugh:


  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    I am a primary school teacher so it is other people's children that make me laugh. While waiting for her parents to pick her up on Friday and shivering in the cold a little girl told me 'I need freezing cold water bottles for my armpits'!!! Her mum picked her up before I could ask why!!

    The randomness of children's thinking makes my job a joy!!
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    I have a 2 yo so everything out of his mouth is pretty hilarious. My favorites right now: His favorite letter is W, every time he sees it at the top of his voice he screams 'DOUBLE <pause> UUUUUU'.
    He loves to play with our iPad, but for some reason he calls it an iBox.
    And when he's ready for quiet time, he'll say repeatedly 'TeeTee Daddy, TeeTee Mommy,. ELMO!!' Meaning he wants to watch tv with us but screw adult programming it's Sesame St. or nothing.
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    Ok random question I had first day back after the holidays when we were all talking about the fun we had had,

    Miss Harper why can't we wear shoes in the swimming pool???

  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    my 4 year old daughter asks to watch Okie-Panokie (pinocchio)
  • My daughter crawled in my bed one morning, pulled my face to hers and when she noticed the sleep in the corners of my eyes she said in an astonished tone "Mom! You have cracker crumbs in your eyes!!" It was so hilarious so even a year later we still call it cracker crumbs. She will be four in about five weeks.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    i have 2 kids... a 3 year old daughter and a 2 year old son... my 3 year old talks and my son doesnt... well my daughter asked me "mommy can i have some pizza?" and i said i dont know lets ask ur brother is he wants some.. "do you want some pizza also i asked him?" ^%$#^(*(*)*_)*(&--=== "baby language" and my daughter looks at me and says.... " that means yes in spanish" lol haha (we dont speak spanish!)
  • Bane_
    Bane_ Posts: 522
    This is a true story...

    My son: Mama, is "damaged" a bad word?

    My wife: No honey. Why do you ask?

    My son: Because this morning, Papa told me that if I didn't get my god-damaged jacket on, and get in the god-damaged truck, he was going to ground me until I was a 100 years old.
  • Sanduh36
    Sanduh36 Posts: 9 Member
    My five year old daughter told me that we can keep our bones clean by tricking someone and drinking lots of water! LOL
  • Haha, these are really funny. I don't have any kids of my own, but my brother is 4 years old. He has this blanket and it has "Finning the Pooh" on it (Winnie the Pooh).

    He's also in love with my mom's hair and calls it her "tail." She calls her a kitty sometimes so whenever he sees a cat on tv or the internet or whatever, he's like "Ohhh look it's my mommy, it's my kitty, my dear mommy, my dear kitty kitty." etc. It's hilarious and really cute.
  • eratess
    eratess Posts: 19 Member
    This is a true story...

    My son: Mama, is "damaged" a bad word?

    My wife: No honey. Why do you ask?

    My son: Because this morning, Papa told me that if I didn't get my god-damaged jacket on, and get in the god-damaged truck, he was going to ground me until I was a 100 years old.

    This... is the best thing I have heard all day, even WITH a 5 year old running around!!! :D
  • iamkarent
    iamkarent Posts: 144 Member
    When my oldest was little, probably 2....she knew her colors....

    It was red , blue, yellow, green, and ORANGE JUICE
  • My 4 year old son was looking at an advertisement in one of my bodybuilding magazines with a picture of Jay Cutler.
    Me: Look how big that guy is
    Landon: Yea! he's so big he's purple!
    Me: Do you wanna be purple some day?
    Landon: Yea! I'm gonna be purple!
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    It was my 18 year old grandson. He told me that he saw no reason for me to calculate my food, exercise and worry about what I look like because I'm 63 years old, that if he lives to be 63 he is going to be drinking, going out, and enjoying his life and not worrying about anything..
  • jdforshort
    jdforshort Posts: 269 Member
    My daughter and I went to see Buckingham Palace when she was 4 or 5, she was so impressed with the interior that she asked me,"Mommy, why can't we have a house like this?"! Every body nearby laughed! Then I heard someone ask what happened and a lady said, " there is a little American girl who asked her mommy why can't they have a house like this"! and laughter spread! My daughter couldn't understand what was so funny!
  • eml48341
    eml48341 Posts: 88 Member
    No kids of my own, but as a teacher I could write a book from all of the funny things my students say. Some of my favorites:

    I taught a second grader who was so sweet and kind, but had an uncanny ability to make the most innocent things sound dirty. For example- We were on a field trip to a wildlife center and they were passing animal pelts around the room. My little one turned to me while holding a beaver pelt and said, "Miss H., This beaver is so soft! I could stroke a beaver all day long!!!" I, of course, turned and ran into the hallway so I could laugh hysterically in private.

    Another favorite story was when was when a student lost his tooth on the playground and we started a search party to help him find it. One of my students asked what we were looking for and I told him J's tooth. He wanted to help in the search, but first wanted to know what color it was so he would recognize it. That was funny in and of itself, but then he then turned to the boy who lost it and said, "Hey J! I heard you lost a tooth! EJACULATIONS!" (Congratulations) To this day my sister, husband, and I offer each other "ejaculations" when anything good happens. LOL!
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I don't have kids but my friend has a daughter and son that are hilarious! I copied a conversation between her and her son that was posted on Facebook.

    Logan: "I'm not going to forgive Kelli for eating my crackers." Me: "Maybe you should. Forgiving is more about making you feel better than it is the other person." Logan: "Ok. I think I'll wait and forgive her when I'm sad." Me: "Why's that?" Logan: "Because it will make me feel better and I don't want to waste my forgives."
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    My fiance's daughter is 3. She luvs animal shows on tv. She told me cougars are one of the most dangerous creditors.

    My nephew Aiden is 2. He calls lollipops "lick pops" and umbrellas "rainbrellas" and he is so formal when he talks about what he deems important. So he says "airplane port" instead of airport and "fireman engine" instead of fire engine.
    And he luvs anything rescue related, helicopters, fireman engines, police cars, ambulances, etc. On dec 1st my mom and I did a 5k and I LOST my car key somewhere on the route. My sister (aiden's mom) told him we were locked out of the car and they had to rescue us. He had it all figured out. He said "mommy, you jump in the ocean, i'll stay in the boat!" Poor little guy was disappointed when he realized a lock out of a vehicle isn't nearly as thrilling as the rescue he had planned.
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    No kids of my own, but as a teacher I could write a book from all of the funny things my students say. Some of my favorites:

    I taught a second grader who was so sweet and kind, but had an uncanny ability to make the most innocent things sound dirty. For example- We were on a field trip to a wildlife center and they were passing animal pelts around the room. My little one turned to me while holding a beaver pelt and said, "Miss H., This beaver is so soft! I could stroke a beaver all day long!!!" I, of course, turned and ran into the hallway so I could laugh hysterically in private.

    Another favorite story was when was when a student lost his tooth on the playground and we started a search party to help him find it. One of my students asked what we were looking for and I told him J's tooth. He wanted to help in the search, but first wanted to know what color it was so he would recognize it. That was funny in and of itself, but then he then turned to the boy who lost it and said, "Hey J! I heard you lost a tooth! EJACULATIONS!" (Congratulations) To this day my sister, husband, and I offer each other "ejaculations" when anything good happens. LOL!

  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    My 3 year old daughter was at the gym daycare crawling around on all fours and growling. She crawled up to a little boy and and went "raaaarrr"r and then "mrmrmrmrmrmmmmm". I asked her, "Are you a tiger?" She said, "No, I'm a lion and that boy is the meat!"

    I really didn't think she'd be referring to boys as meat for awhile yet. :noway:
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    My son was sitting on the floor rotating himself in circles. I asked him if he was buffing the linoleum with his butt. He grinned and said yes. Next thing i know hes laying on the floor on his front and tells me hes now buffing the floor with his penis.