

  • nailtechbec
    nailtechbec Posts: 93 Member
    My names Becca and I too am a Dr pepper addict and no no no people diet and zero do not taste the same. I feel qualified to say that as for the past 15 years it's all I have ever drunk I have the waist line and rotten teeth ( getting them fixed is costing a fortune ) to prove it ! I used to drink approx 6 cans a day ! I KNOW it's hard to stop drinking it and it seem ridiculous that a drink could be that addictive ! I haven't drunk any for 10 days the first few days were awful I was so tired and irritable but now I feel fine and I even had a can of diet dr pepper yesterday it didnt taste like the real thing but it tasted enough like it that I wasn't tempted to have a real one ! If I can stop drinking it so can you ! Good luck x
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    See my profile. I used to drink a ridiculous amount of Mountain Dew. I knew i had to stop to get rid of those calories, and i hate diet pop. So i started drinking black iced coffee(caffeine) and reduced it down to a couple of cans a day and drank a *kitten* tonne of water in it's place. I currently very rarely ever have one, unless it's a huge burn day.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I was addicted to Pepsi years ago and quit totally. I almost never want one now. I do however not drink diet drinks. I drink seltzer water as the only fizzy drink. I am a diabetic so have no choice about drinking sugary drinks. Whatever you feel will work for you will be the best. If you can keep it under control you can cut down. If you don't think you can, then quit. The first three days are the hardest. After a week or so, you are the one in charge instead of the drink. Best of luck to you.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    I hear you, my vice was Coke. I was averaging 24 cans/week. I would have them in the morning instead of coffee.
    I switched to coffee in the morning (black is like 2 cals), switch to ginger ale for a while, and now i drink seltzer. For me it came down to the bubbles were the most important to me.
    I still have a coke out for dinner once in a while, or as an afternoon treat if I am really dragging at work. But the key is to make it a treat that fits into your calories, plus when you do have it, it will taste that much better.
  • AleJ33
    AleJ33 Posts: 10
    Thanks Y'all!!! Tons of great advice!
  • denise8986
    denise8986 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm also addicted to reg, Dr. Pepper!! drank it all day, everyday! Hate all diet soda..last Monday I cut it down to 12 oz a day, (4 oz for breakfast, 4 oz for lunch and 4 oz for dinner) I hope next week goes just as good for me :) the only other thing I drink is plain water.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Try Diet Dr. Pepper. I like it and prefer it to a regular one. The taste is pretty close without an after taste. Good luck!

    this^^^.. I am pepper too.. but the bold for 10 cals isn't too bad..
  • Markus_7
    Markus_7 Posts: 165 Member
    wow, after reading all the responses I realized I must be addicted to sugar...I love choc. chip cookies & other desserts. I'm gonna work on trying to phase out sweets and eat fruit in their place/chew my Orbit gum- I already eat fruit and chew the sugarless gum, so should be easier...funny how Dr. Pepper topic got me to realize it! It's pretty cool how we can learn from each other.