weight loss without exercise?

How much success has people had doing limited exercise? I have slipped a disc in my back and am waiting for an MRI scan (hopefully in the next couple oif weeks) and have been told by the physio that exercise is not allowed until the results are in. Usually i hit the gym a few times a week and walk my dogs daily but at the moment I stuggle to even walk them. Thanks guys


  • I am in a similar situation in that my exercise schedule was cut back a fair bit due to an injury. I've been able to lose weight despite this.. however it means a 1200 calorie diet for me which is not very much food at all! My mom also doesn't exercise and has lost about 30 pounds so far just through dieting, and she is almost 60.

    It takes a lot of self-discipline for sure!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    it's totally doable and not at all about "dieting" - it's just about changing your mindset. if you simply eat 90% foods that are healthy, with one ingredient, etc, and 10% junk, you will lose weight whether you exercise or not. :)
  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    Weight loss is strictly about total calories eaten. If you can not exercise just eat less and you will lose. Fortunately there is a website that allows you to calculate how many calories you should eat to lose weight then it only adds calories for exercise if you exercise. It also allows you to track what you ate so you know how many calories you actually ate. If only I could remember what that site was. :wink:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Weight loss is strictly about total calories eaten. If you can not exercise just eat less and you will lose. Fortunately there is a website that allows you to calculate how many calories you should eat to lose weight then it only adds calories for exercise if you exercise. It also allows you to track what you ate so you know how many calories you actually ate. If only I could remember what that site was. :wink:

    eating less is not an across the board cure-all, and that kind of advice leads to eating disorders.

    a healthy deficit will help you lose weight. a deficit that is TOO BIG will cause a ton of negative side effects, one of which being you won't lose weight as quickly as you would with a safe deficit.
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    I've noticed that exercise helps with making you look better when you get to the point where you can see muscles. Other than that, you can still loose weight.

  • eating less is not an across the board cure-all, and that kind of advice leads to eating disorders.

    a healthy deficit will help you lose weight. a deficit that is TOO BIG will cause a ton of negative side effects, one of which being you won't lose weight as quickly as you would with a safe deficit.

    AGREED! Couple years back I was working brutal hours, never working out, ate erratically when I had a chance, etc.

    Sure I lost weight; to the point where people were asking if I was sick. The lost weight consisted of lost muscle mass as well as fat. I was a weak "skinny fat" person. Eventually I did gain the weight back but it was pretty much all fat :(

    Anyway, is it possible to do a bit of strength work that won't interfere with your back? Possibly resistance band, seated exercises?

    Speaking from experience, it's tough to put the muscle back on; try what you can to keep what you have!!
  • Calories in vs calories out.

    Eat at a deficit and you will lose weight, you can't escape thermodynamics.
  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    Weight loss is strictly about total calories eaten. If you can not exercise just eat less and you will lose. Fortunately there is a website that allows you to calculate how many calories you should eat to lose weight then it only adds calories for exercise if you exercise. It also allows you to track what you ate so you know how many calories you actually ate. If only I could remember what that site was. :wink:

    eating less is not an across the board cure-all, and that kind of advice leads to eating disorders.

    a healthy deficit will help you lose weight. a deficit that is TOO BIG will cause a ton of negative side effects, one of which being you won't lose weight as quickly as you would with a safe deficit.

    Agreed, but I think my recommendation was to use this site to calculate a reasonable deficit or are you suggesting that this site encourages anorexia?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Weight loss is strictly about total calories eaten. If you can not exercise just eat less and you will lose. Fortunately there is a website that allows you to calculate how many calories you should eat to lose weight then it only adds calories for exercise if you exercise. It also allows you to track what you ate so you know how many calories you actually ate. If only I could remember what that site was. :wink:

    eating less is not an across the board cure-all, and that kind of advice leads to eating disorders.

    a healthy deficit will help you lose weight. a deficit that is TOO BIG will cause a ton of negative side effects, one of which being you won't lose weight as quickly as you would with a safe deficit.

    Agreed, but I think my recommendation was to use this site to calculate a reasonable deficit or are you suggesting that this site encourages anorexia?

    nope, it was a good recommendation - just commenting on the first sentence