weight loss stall

so the weigh scales have really been annoyin my *kitten* recently..
13 stone 2 weeks ago.. weighed myself then again 5 days later was 12 stone 4...
happy days so i taught, hopped on the scale today and was 12 stone 10 pound
i mean what the ****!!!! i havent even been bold.. been keepin to 1500-1600 cals a day
and working out like a *****! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr gimme a massive burger quick!


  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    haha, a burger isn't going to help is it?

    You can fluctuate loads throughout the day. If you imagine you weigh yourself hen you drink a glass of water, you're going to weigh more with the water in you - doesn't mean you're any fatter.

    Weigh yourself no more than once a week, on the same day, and first thing in the morning before you eat or drink or work out or anything. You should get a more true reading that way.

    And remember, if it took you a while to put on, it'll take you a while to get off. Be patient and don't throw it all away on one bad reading or you'll end up a year down the line even worse off!