Can people with diet knowledge look at my food log?



  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member
    I see your average calorie intake is around 1,800. For someone that is 5'4 that is a little high. I would recommend dropping it to the most 1,600( Even though 1,200-1,500 would be ideal. You can also try to reserve 1,800-1900 calories for one day only . You seem to be eating mostly healthy for the most part though. I would try to eat more fruits and vegetables and try to cut down on the carbs to either one meal a day or just for the weekend for maximum weight lost. These foods are not only healthy, but they also satisfy hunger. Also try incorporating more fiber in your diet(which many fruits/vegetables again) will do. Nuts make a great snack, satisfy hunger and have high fiber.
  • Luv108
    Luv108 Posts: 18
    Thanks so much to everyone for looking at my food log and for all of your advice! I've just been going with the mfp advice with the carbs and protein, I always thought I was getting too much protein. It is great to see so many of you making alot of progress with more protein and less carbs. I think I will try to lower my carbs next week and try to add more veggies in. I recently had some dental work done, so it is hard for me to eat raw veggies right now. And I share a house with my sister who hates the smell of cooked vegetables. Ha! I love vegetables, I'll have to figure out a better way to fit them in. I'm set at 1500 calories, one person thought that it was too much to eat back my calories making it 1800 when I work out. Does anyone else think this is too high? Should I not eat the calories back? Thanks so much!!
  • Luv108
    Luv108 Posts: 18
    Oh I am looking again and think maybe I can cut out the nutrition bar before my morning workout. I go at 4:30am. I always feel like I need to eat before I go, I feel afraid of tiring out or something. Does anyone else work out right when they wake up? Does anyone go to the gym on empty stomach in the morning? Thanks!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    The world is your oyster on this.
    If you try training on an empty stomach and don't find yourself feeling light-headed nor wooozy then okay - see if it gets scale-related results.
    If, however, you have no energy and feel droopy before you finish your usual work-out then your body is telling you it needs that calorie hit to "prime the pump" so you can work off the bar plus whatever more you do once the stored energy gets mobilised.

    You probably know that you store instant fuel in muscles then short term storage as glycogen and then you get at the fat.

    Starving yourself so you have to use stored fat in the absence of anything else is not a good plan - a bit too much like The Burma Railway for a healthy long-term plan.

    Anyway, WHAT is that stuff you drink iin place of milk?
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Hey, so I am not an expert or a nutritionist, but I do have a vast amount of knowledge in regards to nutrition and healthy eating. From looking at your food diary, you are doing a great job. If I were to give you any advice I would tell you to decrease the calorie consumption at your noon and evening meal. Think of your snack as mini meals, so instead of only consuming between 100-150 calories during your snack time, try to consume between 250-300 hundred. Ideally you should eat 5-6 "meals" a day that are each between 250-300 calories. These meals should be 2-3 hours apart. Start eating around 7 in the morning, don't eat past 7 in the eveing. Also, try to make sure you have between 1-2 servings of fruit or veggies at every "meal" as well as one serving of protein, this doesn't always workout, but it is something to strive for. Hope this helps, keep up the good work!

  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Overall I think it looks pretty good
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Hi! I posted a question last week in general about what to do when hungry all of the time and I got alot of great responses, but I realized my food log was private. I now opened my food log to the public. I just planned my meals for the week and I'm wondering if anyone would be able to take a look at it and see if they think it is a good plan. I am 5'4 and 171 lbs right now. I put in that I am moderately active and set for losing 1 lb per week. I've decided to eat most of my workout calories back as I get hungry if I don't. Thanks!!!:happy:

    Looks like you don't eat meat. You have a good base of fiber in your diet but it could be higher. The processed foods you are eating are giving you over twice the sodium recommended currently (1500mg). To feel fuller and to lose weight quickly you might want to consider upping your veggie content significantly for very few calories. You may want to try the Eat to Live approach. ( I switched to that for health reasons and have never felt fuller with the limited number of calories that I eat. I eat huge amounts of veggies in stir frys, salads, and soups, and smoothies. I also never realized that I didn't have to feel tired any more or watch the clock for my next feeding! You could easily tweak your diet as you are half way there already. Diet consists of fresh veggies & fruit, cooked dried beans, nuts & seeds, and limited quantities of animal products if you like. I am seriously never hungry and I don't need to worry about having snacks anymore to see me through the day.
  • psv1012
    psv1012 Posts: 65 Member
    I o not usually eat back my calories.I do use them as needed for special meals and like you said, to keep from being hungry. Your diary is so healthy, I don,t know how much you have to lose,but just seeing what you are eating I think you are on the right track. I would lower my calories just a bit,and continue to exercise.good luck
  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    check out the topic "In Place of a Road Map" in the MFP Forums. Lots of great information there and helpful people
  • teez52
    teez52 Posts: 104 Member
    You are most likely hungry so much because of the amount of carbs that you eat. Obviously I'm just some dumb guy off the street, but I would be willing to bet that if you used more of your calories on protein, you would feel fuller longer.
  • EpitomeOfSxy
    EpitomeOfSxy Posts: 157 Member
    You food intake looks good but you don't log your water consumption. Most of the time we think we are "hungry" when we are really just dehydrated. I suggest logging/upping your water consumption. I drink between 80-100 oz this way when I am hungry I know I am legitimately hungry.
  • Just a personal tip: if you find yourself hungry, I'd suggest increasing your protein. It looks like you are using the detault macro settings that MFP gives you, but I found I was starving all the time when I ate like that.

    I changed my carb/protein/fat breakdown to 40/30/30 and immediately felt a billion times better, and never hungry. While I don't always get to my goals, I certainly do much better than before.

    Just a suggestion, everyone is different. :)
    This! I feel so much better (lean, more energy, not hungry, etc.) when I strive for a 40/30/30 ratio. It takes practice, though, and I usually supplement with a good protein powder shake at some point in the day. (Also, I miss my bananas!) Egg whites and Greek yogurt are your friend. :-)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    (snip) I'm set at 1500 calories, one person thought that it was too much to eat back my calories making it 1800 when I work out. Does anyone else think this is too high? Should I not eat the calories back? Thanks so much!!

    No, after running your BMR figures, that looks about right to me.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Who ever said that 1800 was to high was not looking at the fact you were eating back exercise calories. Do not cut back that nutrition bar before your work out.

    1500 is a good amount of calories as a baseline.

    Your diary looks good although I would agree with others that you should get more protein.

    BTW, you can put raw veggies in your shake. I put kale and carrots in mine and you can not even taste it. And I am getting them in the best form possible, raw.

    I have a healthy cooking page on facebook if you would like any tips or ideas, come check it out.
  • Luv108
    Luv108 Posts: 18
    Thanks everyone! Those were all great tips and things for me to think about when planning next week!