Jumping rope...

StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
is no joke. Now, keep in mind, i was tomboy, so while all the girls were jumping rope and playing hopscotch during recess in elementary school, i was playing catch and touch football with the boys. So i have never been able to jump rope, and i've never put that much effort into learning how to. But i've read great things about the calorie burn and cardio workout that it gives, and i want to start kickboxing when i graduate from school, so i figured i'd better learn. well, when i went outside and got started, i couldnt jump over the rope more than 2 times in a row... but i stuck it out, figure out how to adjust the length of the rope, and soon i was getting to 5 jumps in a row. I got up to 10 a couple of times before i was done. I know it sounds pathetic, but at least i stuck it out and kept trying.
So, after 25 minutes, my average HR was 144, and i had burned 225 calories. now i trust my polar HRM, but can that really be right? i burned the same amount of calories jumping rope as i do on the treadmill? Now, since i have that easily-addicted personality, i'm sure i will be out there again tomorrow for another 20 minutes, and i'll try to keep it up until i get better. ok, my HR is finally coming down.. anyone else have the same kind of calorie burn jumping rope?


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    jumping rope is my trainers favorite cardio for me!!

    The jumping is good for you, your heart rate gets up and you use your core strength the entire time!!

    OH and it is FUN!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    one of my fav workout is

    3 minutes jump rope
    bicep curls
    3 min jump rope
    tricep kick backs
    3 min jump rope
    10 push ups

    and I have 3 other upper body exercises chest, shoulders and upper back.

    Awesome workout !!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Jumping rope is actually really hard work (despite being fun). It burns a ton of calories, so your totals sound about right. Nice job!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Jumping rope makes me go pee-pees. :blushing:

    9 kids....ya know?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Jumping rope makes me go pee-pees. :blushing:

    9 kids....ya know?

    Only three kids here and same thing....jumping has its consequences. Having children weakens the pelvic floor the urologist I saw said this is normal..."find something other than jumping" Found I can run and not have that problem. Biking is even better.

    When I push myself on the bike I can burn 600+ calories in an hour.
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Great job! I LOVE jumping rope! It took me awhile to build to it, but I eventually got up to doing 30-45 minutes at a time. It's fun after awhile learning different tricks like crossovers, high knee sprints, lunge jumps, cross-feet jumping jacks, etc, it feels like I'm a kid playing all over again! :) It can definitely burn as much as you do on a treadmill, sometimes I burn more! I do recommend if you work up to 30+ minutes getting proper shoes, a year ago I was doing it 2-3x/week and had a minor stress fracture from jumping in running shoes! I now have proper shoes that have support on the ball of my foot...much better! :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Because of the..ahem...."jumping" involved, jumping rope is a relatively high-intensity activity, moreso jumping with both feet at once than one at a time. Some styles of rope jumping are similar to running, which is why it is not surprising that you would see a fairly high calorie burn.

    Keep in mind a couple of things: rope jumping, like running, is also high-impact, so while you are building up some endurance, take the proper precautions with good footwear and a more forgiving surface.

    Also, I would not be surprised if your calorie burn is a little overestimated at first. Because this is a completely new activity, you are probably getting a little bit of "overshoot" with your heart rate. Since your HRM only counts heart rate, and not the actual aerobic work of the activity, it is probably overestimating your effort somewhat. Expect to see avg HR decrease as you become more proficient--but then your improved "jumping" ability should allow you to push harder and get it back up.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Jumping rope makes me go pee-pees. :blushing:

    9 kids....ya know?

    :wink: :laugh:
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I love jumping rope! I am such a kid at heart! I have a hula hoop and skip-it too. Who says exercise has to be boring?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I love jumping rope! I am such a kid at heart! I have a hula hoop and skip-it too. Who says exercise has to be boring?

    oooh, does that mean you would walk the plank with me???? DH get's all rolly eyed when we go to the mall or store. I park way in the back and walk on the curbs all the way up!! :laugh: It is great for balance.

    And I have been known to skip on the walking trail! I wonder what people think of the crazy old lady skipping away singing the good ship lollipop! (no I dont really sing :tongue: )
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