Frustrated... need to rant and rave

mromnek Posts: 325
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So here I am, after a couple weeks of "goofing off" with my food and exercise, getting serious again. (I didn't fall off the wagon, just got lax, and didn't lose my potential) My first problem: I did my exercise bike this morning and burned 1040 calories. Then this afternoon, my wife and I went out walking. I burned another 747 calories. So my exercise calories for the day are 1787. My regular daily caloric intake (without exercise) is 1870 calories.

How under God's green earth am I supposed to eat almost double my regular calories without going eating "bad" stuff? I ate a heavy lunch in order to try to make up for the 1040 calories I burned this morning.

Then that leads me to the next gripe. Part of my lunch was a "healthy" homemade chicken vegetable soup. Problem is that I just noticed the sodium is through the roof on it (about 1000mg per serving). You try to do everything right, and then "WHAM!!!!"

Speaking of "WHAM!!!" There are the Nutrition Nazi's running around. So here I am, I haven't had a Burger King Burger since December, whereas I was eating BK at least 4 times a week before. I have only eaten commercially made pizza once since December, whereas I was eating pizza at least 1 time a week before. And somebody wants to tell me that when I use whole eggs, I am getting too much FAT!!!! Sorry to shatter your Joe Fitness image of yourself, but there are 10 grams of fat in 2 eggs. How many grams of fat did I not take in by not going to BK and getting my favorite Double Whopper with Cheese and King Sized French Fries?????

Whew... and I thought endorphins were supposed to be a happy drug.


  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    Good job with the fast food stuff. I just started that journey about 2 months ago. I've had a few (3) snags along the way but I'm amazed how much better I feel by not eating that stuff. Keep doing what you are doing and ignore the crazies.
  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    You burned 747 calories WALKING? Did you walk a marathon?

    I don't mean to sound rude but it just seems like a lot. Are you sure that is accurate?
  • dougspot
    dougspot Posts: 12
    Amen brother.
    Personally, I'm just doing what I know is healthier than what I was eating, so just stick with your plan. As to sodium, I've determined that unless I eat raw rice, I'll rarely make the sodium gods & godesses happy. As such, I'll avoid it if possible. However if I'm out for dinner and order the steamed veggies and they just happen to have 1000mg of salt, well, tough, they're better for me than the cheese-soaked-french-fries-with-chili!
    I'm finding this fitness stuff is very similiar to child-raising. You have the folks way on the left who's children are covered in plastic and never had a dirty fingernal, you have the folks on the right who haven't touched soap ever, and in the middle is 99% of us. It's good in the middle.

    Keep up the great work!
  • We tend to fall off the wagon when we're too strict on ourselves...even when it makes us feel better. Food is an emotional thing for alot of us. So, that being said, my doctor introduced me to this site. He told me that I should go by the numbers on this site and feel that they are a very good guideline for me to follow, as long as i'm honest. I'm sorry if people don't like my diet...sometimes I don't like it either. I need a certain amount of fat to feel full throughout the day. If i chose to stay within my calories, it doesn't really matter to me if I get it from eggs or chocolate. It depends on what I want. And folks, so many people have been supportive of me during this journey- but we are ALL different and like religion or politics you shouldn't force your opinion on people who don't necessarily ask for it. I had pizza today and yesterday. I promise, i'm not gonna die because of it. Mrromnek, it's all good eat what you can while you have the calories and don't worry about the rest :drinker:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    That's an awfully high calorie burn for one day...I couldn't afford to eat if I burned that many calories. :)
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I'll tell you what's gonna happen b/c the same thing happened to me yesterday. You won't be able to eat back all those calories today and you shouldn't force yourself. What will happen is tommorow you will be extra hungry and eat at least one extra complete meal in your day (try a nice hardy brunch). You will be over for tommorow but ignore it. There isn't so physiological reset that takes place overnight in your body (even if it does in MFP), your body will tell you.

    Tommorow when that time comes, feel free to have some peanut butter, that stuff's got allot of calories!
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I could definitely find something to eat that would get me to 3500 calories today.

    Rom-you need that sodium-so don't feel bad. If you need 3500 calories today AFTER your exercise, then you should have roughly 3500 mg of sodium today. MFP doesn't take into account the heavy exercise and change the mg of sodium required. I'll probably get shot down by one of the fitness nazi's with this statement, but your sodium potassium balance is likely to be outta whack if you don't take in the sodium.

    As for the bad stuff-it's only bad when we can't budget/balance our diet for it with exercise.

    DON"T FEEL BAD!!! It sounds like you're doing a good job!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    "I was eating pizza at least 1 time a week before. And somebody wants to tell me that when I use whole eggs, I am getting too much FAT!!!! Sorry to shatter your Joe Fitness image of yourself, but there are 10 grams of fat in 2 eggs. How many grams of fat did I not take in by not going to BK and getting my favorite Double Whopper with Cheese and King Sized French Fries????? "

    I managed to lose 43 lbs and I always had /have eggs at least 1-2 times a week. Given the choice BK burger and an healthy eggs, doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    You burned 747 calories WALKING? Did you walk a marathon?

    I don't mean to sound rude but it just seems like a lot. Are you sure that is accurate?

    40 minutes... calories according to HRM. The calories come fast when you weigh close to 300 lbs. To put it in perspective, my wife only burned 365 calories, and we were side by side.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Thanks to all for your love and support ***Wiping tear from eye*** :blushing:

    I was just having one of those moments where I was aggravated and irritated. I am a deeply analytical person. And I have been reading so much on different nutritional topics such as sodium, protein, and fat (saturated, unsaturated, mono, poly, trans, cis, hydrogenated, etc) that I was in a place of saying "How is the normal person supposed to understand all this stuff?" I was kinda overwhelmed to the point of thinking no reasonable person could possibly make a "Healthy" menu for a day let alone a week.

    So thanks for understanding my need to rant and rave. I am now a more calm and sane individual. :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Amen brother.
    Personally, I'm just doing what I know is healthier than what I was eating, so just stick with your plan. As to sodium, I've determined that unless I eat raw rice, I'll rarely make the sodium gods & godesses happy. As such, I'll avoid it if possible. However if I'm out for dinner and order the steamed veggies and they just happen to have 1000mg of salt, well, tough, they're better for me than the cheese-soaked-french-fries-with-chili!
    I'm finding this fitness stuff is very similiar to child-raising. You have the folks way on the left who's children are covered in plastic and never had a dirty fingernal, you have the folks on the right who haven't touched soap ever, and in the middle is 99% of us. It's good in the middle.

    Keep up the great work!

    :drinker: Love how you put that last paragraph, you've caught on quick to how it is around here:laugh:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Thanks to all for your love and support ***Wiping tear from eye*** :blushing:

    I was just having one of those moments where I was aggravated and irritated. I am a deeply analytical person. And I have been reading so much on different nutritional topics such as sodium, protein, and fat (saturated, unsaturated, mono, poly, trans, cis, hydrogenated, etc) that I was in a place of saying "How is the normal person supposed to understand all this stuff?" I was kinda overwhelmed to the point of thinking no reasonable person could possibly make a "Healthy" menu for a day let alone a week.

    So thanks for understanding my need to rant and rave. I am now a more calm and sane individual. :flowerforyou:
  • Well, one good thing is that if you burned that many calories, you probably worked up a good sweat, which means you probably actually NEEDED to eat back that sodium! :smile: Although most people eat too much sodium, you do need SOME, and you need more if you are sweating out all your salt! :)

    PS: I HATE HATE HATE when people get all crazy about eggs! They are not the devil! (Unless they are ... deviled. Hehe.)
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    botom line mromnek- were all just pawns of life. Were going to screw up because that is what we do... I'm not a stickler on my diet like I should be. If your weighing close to 300 lbs, the part about you not having fast food in damn near 3 months is what you should focus on. I mean- good lord, that in itself takes precedence over all other.

    So what you ate a bit more salt. From the sounds of it- on your walk, you probably sweat a great deal. I'm sure your body is going to use every last bit of that to help you stay hydrated. Pound the water...i mean like you 've never before...Get in about 14 cups-

    Listen to your body. If you feel its hungry then feed it. Otherwise keep goin down the road your goin down. Either way your doin great - you have to keep your wits about you. Think about why it is your trying to lose weight. Focus on nothing but that. Analyze that. If you are as annalytical as you say, then you should be tellin' yourself you've came this far. One bad day isn't going to ruin your plan. That is what you have...a plan...which cannot be achieved today! Head up...Drink on!

    Stay on it!!!!!!!!!!
  • lewalk74
    lewalk74 Posts: 3
    For me its too hard to keep track of fat/protein/carbs/calories. So i'm watching the calories and carbs the most right now. I had a 2 week period recently where I got lax too, stayed same weight and ate out 1 too many times. But i'm back on track as far as keeping a closer eye on what I eat during the day. We are also eating alot of Thai and Indian dishes for dinner, so taking in plenty of rice,proteins and spices.
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